Saturday, August 25, 2007


Janae go to sit in a snowbird which was a high light for her!! she loves jets and planes!
I think john was a bit scared of mama bear too, he acutally looks more scared then Janae!!

So we ventured out to the PNE even though Janae didn't have a good night last night or a good nap this afternoon. We were a little worried we would get rained on but it went ok. We got to the PNE and every parking lot was full, so we had to drive around in a circle til we found one where some cars were leaving, we were just about ready to give up and leave but then we got a spot!! ANd of course as we walked to the gate it started pouring and I thought what are we thinking coming here in this horrible weather! So we quickly ran to the animal barn and looked at the animals and by the time we had gone through it it had stopped raining. We missed the parade for Janae due to the rain but oh well. She had a blast running around. We had an expensive hotdog dinner 2 hotdogs for 8 bucks and they were regular size wieners!! So bring your own food!! We tried to take pics of Janae with the cartoon characters but she was terrified! Oh well all in all it was a great family day!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

mommy and janae time!

Janae and i pickeled watermelon yesterday. We had so much fun doing it together. janae loves helping me bake and cook. She was very excited with Daddy taking this picture she is acutally saying cheese in this pic while she giggled!! I love moments like these with Janae. And finally i have a picture of us together, this rarely happens!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Here's my little family. Janae is almost 17 months!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I so over did it today!

well the house is clean the outside trim is painted, the four runner is washed and cleaned insided out. And now i can't sit properly with out pain cause i put my hip out yet again. This is rediculous. Every other week i have to go adn get it put back in place. At least john's work covers the cost.
So this past week has been great with Janae. I have figured out that she pinches to get a reaction so i have just been ignoring the behavior and it has some what stopped. She still does it but once i ignore teh first pinch it is over. She is talking so much more now, not real words but I am actually figuring out what each thing means which is great! We spent the weekend doing a whole lot of nothing. I went to my cousin David's wedding at newlands, no kids allowed so john stayed home. It was a long wedding I got home at quarter to 12 way past my bed time!! Oh well john let me sleep in so it was all ok.
On sunday a friend of mine who does photography met me and janae and my two nieces on john's side to take some pictures which i am using to create a shadow memory box for john's parents. Janae wasn't the most photogenic so i am curious to see how the pictures turned out.
Tomorrow our windows we purchased are being installed. I never new i could get so excited about windows. Hopefully they help with the noise because right now you hear absolutely everything outside. And hten on Wednesday teh garage door guy is coming ot install our new garage door, so cool! We are so tired of parking outside it makes are driveway so full.
John came hoem today all pumped about an announcement he heard.... Van Halen is touring again here in Vancouver Dec 5 or 6 so that means that is when this baby needs to come!! It's hard for me to say no even though we could use that money somewhere else because Van Halen is JOhn's favorite band and it would be such a punishment to him to not be able to go, so we'll have to see.
Well i think janae should be sleeping by now so i should be able to leave this room. When john puts her to sleep i can't be in the room and vic versa. Sleeping is not a strong point for janae and we have developed horrible habits. Oh well one day we'll break them.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

At a Wits end!

Anyone out there who has a strong willed child? I feel like I am all alone in this world of motherhood, no one has a child like mine. i don't knwo what to do anymore, I lost it at church and broke down and cried. Janae pulls kids hair and won't let go til her hands are full of it. I feel so embarrasses adn such a horrible parent. I try adn discipline her by telling her no a slapping her hand but she doesn't care, it doesn't even seem to phase her. Today I spanked her pretty good as this behavior has gone on long enough, I feel horrible and quilty as a parent, why cna't she just be an easy going child, She has been a challenge from day one, with the not sleeping thing and whining and i don't know how to break this behavior. How much of her "personality" was she born with and how much has become a learnt' behavior. I feel like a failure, just like i have felt as a wife adn a friend. i am so unhappy with myself. Anyways I don't know why i ma venting out to the world but i just need some help or encouragement. We have a baby comign in like 4 and bit months and I really don't know how i am going to do it. Oh well I pray that God will give me the strength adn patience i need. Anywho enough venting. talk to you later

Saturday, August 4, 2007

waiting game

One of my old co workers is in the hospital right now giving birth to her son. Her husband has his laptop there so every couple of hours he updates her blog to let us know how she is doing, last i heard she was 8 cm dilated!! I think that is so cool, i think we will bring our laptop in!!. I don't know how many people read this other than Yvonne who has made a few comments but oh well!!
Today si not a good day pregnancy wise, my hands and feet are so swollen adn they hurt sooooo bad! I didnt' have this with janae and it is so uncomfortable, just want to keep my feet up!
John is outside sawing down tree branches to open up the back yard a bit and Janae is climbing around on the couches.
We hope to go to White Rock this long weekend iwth Janae we'll see if that happpens. I was gonna go and play in Janae's pool with her but looking outside it looks a little chilly to be in the pool, so I guess we'll just hang out inside. I am hoping ot go for chinese for supper seeings I have a chinese craving right now!! Got to fulfill thoes cravings!
Life at the Jefremow's is pretty uneventful. last week janae slept through the night three nights in a row, she has changed her bed time from 7:30 to 9 and now sleeps thorugh the night from 9-7:30 so that is nice, other then it takes away mine and john's evening. Oh well this is the scehdule right now and it could chnage tomorrow.
Well i should get going Janae is destroying the house, got to go and do someithing with her i guess!
Take care