Monday, September 24, 2007


i am sitting here trying to get my mind off the fact that janae is scremaing so hardin her crib seh is going to barf. She has been sick for the past couple of days so we have done more sleeping times iwth her and rocking her and now she doesn't want to sleep in her crib. I had her asleep in my arms and as soon i as i put her down she starts freaking out. I am not feeling good and am dealing iwth lack of sleep. I don't knwo what to do. I have to do everything in my power not to give in but last night after over an hour or screaming iw ent and got her, how long is too long adn will seh eventually go to sleep? Help.

Friday, September 14, 2007

new arrival

So my good friend annette finally gave birth to her baby daughter Maila Grace on September 11 weighing 9 pounds. She was a week overdue. I can only hope i have the same 3 hour delivery with only 5 pushes and looking awesome afterwards. Plus so far her baby is a sleeper and is very content. I am so happy for her and her family as this makes them a family of four. We went and visited them at home seeings she was home by the next morning and Janae was so excited about Malia, she just loves babies which makes me want her to experience her new little sibling soon. I just hope that the adjustment for janae will be smooth. Not only will we be having a little on in decemebr but christmas on top of that which usually overstimulates kids anyways!! well i really have to go and put janae to bed. So good bye for now!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Janae and i stopping to smell the flowers at the Apple Barn, All the pics are from the Apple Barn on Gladwin Road
Daddy and Janae!

Picking apples and when we got home we used them to make apple pie! YUMMY!

Look how tall i am just about three feet and i am 17 months old.

Me and mommy, we had to take this picture again cause we hav ethe same one from last year when janae was six months old

Janae thought it was hilarious when the goats ate the straw out of her hand!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

65th birthday celebration!

Janae on Uncle Walter's bike!! Janae and uncle John sharing some birthday cake together!!
Janae excited to be among all the flamingo's!!

So this weekend we celebrated john's dads 65th birthday, well and john's mom she turned 65 this past June. Us kids put out 65 flamingo's in their frontlawn which john's parents thought was awesome. John's mom asked me to put together a colalge of allt he places john's dad has worked in his life, so out came my scrapbooking skills!! i think it turned out ok! I also had my friend Jamie take pics of Janae and her two cousins missy and nicole and then put together a nice picutre frame of all the girls. I was a great party. Janae came out of her shell and went ot anybody the entire time so me and john got to enjoy fellowshiping.
Today is not such a great day. Janae is not herself very whining and screaming and playing withe her moutha nd face so i am thinking her teeth are really hurting her that are coming through. Oh well. John has the day off so we have been cleaning our house!! John finally figured out how to fix our broken vacuum cleaner so i cna actually vacuum now!! ia m so excited!! i hope to make apple pie with the apples janae picked at the apple barn on Saturday. I will post pics now of this weekends events. i am not sure if the apple barn pics are on this computer so i might have to post them next time!