Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh MY!

Oh My time flies, i haven't posted a new post in a long time and so much has happened!! So here goes a long post, so go get your cup of coffee and a comfy chair!

Well April 5 we purchase a used 2004 van from VIP mazda in abbotsford. A week after we bought it we brought it to toyota to just get a full service done on it. And we found out the it was not all wheel drive, which we were told it was! Nice hey. So anyways we go and complain to them and they told us we could bring the van back for a full refund or they would give us 500 bucks and a one year all terrain warranty.. T hinking that was a good deal seeings we didn't care if it was all wheel or not we said sure. The next day we drive to the inlaws and on the way the van stahls, umm, and then it happened again and then it jerked us on teh free way, that is when we thought oh my word what the heck. So we get home and john phones one of the mechanics from toyota and togther they think it has somsehting to do with the fuel additive. S o john takes teh van out of half an hour and drives in second and nothing happens, vans fixed. So comes monday 11am it is just about nap time but i really want roast for dinner so i put the kids in the van to quickly pick up a roast from safeway. The van is fine til i leave safeway and then it stahls adn the check engine light comes on and won't go off, what do I do, do i go home and then hope i make it home. Or do i drive to toyoat so they can take care of it. Well i figure i will go to toyota. There they look at it and tell me it might be this certain part but to take it hoem and if it happens again come bakc. At this point both children are miserabl! So i put them back in the car and turn the key it starts and then dies I tried three times. So now they need to get the part and i need soemone to bring me home. Turns out the air flow meter died. 240 bucks later it is fixed. So anyway john phones mazda and they are like ok we will pay for teh part. On saturday i leave to go to the mall and when i turn the engine on it squeals and when i leave it is blowing blue smoke, so john phones mazda and says this is it we want our money back. and so we drove it to mazda and got a full refund, it was pretty easy.
So now what do we do thank goodness we didn't sell either of our vehicles so we still each have one. But now that i have had this luxury van i dont' want to go back, it is so easy with the van taking the kids places. Umm what to do ...

We bought a brand new 2008 Toyota Sienna and it is coming off the truck today or tomorrow!! A lot of moeny later we have a van and we were even able to trad ein teh four runner for what we were asking for it too! so that is cool.

So you think everything is going well but wait. The way it works at our house its that if we buy something big something else will break. So here goes what broke.

We bought the first van and john accidently closed the garage on it and there was no damage on the vehicle. Big deal right garage doors are designed these days to bouce back up when they come in contact with something right, well that is if the guy who istalled the door put it in properly with ALL the pieces. SO ya now we have this big fight with the garage door company Ocean Doors to try and get oru money back seeings we had him install this brand new door in august. i have had other door companies come and just shake their heads with EVERYTHing that is wrong and there is a list. So we will fight and i will take hime to small claims court to sort this out cause it is going to cost over 1100 to replace the door ro 1300 to fix what he did wrong. Has anyone sued anyone before, i am not sure how it all works!? So ya but then guess what. W e buy a brand new van and john drives to workt he next day and stops at the gas statiokn and that is where is car is sitting, doesn't start! Oh the joys. So ya. Our history goes like this, we got all new windows, the washing machine breaks, we got new gutters,t eh original door breaks, we re did our yard the renters fridge breaks. That is how it works. scary but they go hand in hand!!

Well i am guessing my children are going to wake up soon so I think i will stop there. I will post about the girls a different time.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saying Goodbye

On Friday we celebrated the life of my Taunte Annalee, it was a pretty sad funeral as she was still so young. She was diagnosed with liver cancer this past june and past away last week march 26. She leaves behind three children with their husbands and 7 grandchildren who are still really young. I wasn't super close to my Taunte Annalee but I was with one of her kids and his wife. This family lost their dad 10 years ago as well so both parents are deceased. This is the bulletin from the funeral and I wanted to share the poem that was on the back of it.

When family ties are broken
And loved ones have to part
It leaves a wound that never heals
And an ever-aching heart.

We can not bring the old days back
When we were all together
But loving thoughts and memories
Will live with us forever.

There will always be a heartache
And often silent tears
But always precious moments
Of days when you were here.

We hold you close within our hearts
And there you will remain
To walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet again

The entire funeral Annalee planned before her passing as she was a very maticulous and organized lady. She planned everything even her coffin that would look the best with her color! The service was beatiful and the reception to follow was nice to hear all her friends share their special memories of Annalee. Somehow throughout the service i kept putting myself in the families shoes and realizing that we don't know the plans of the Lord and for all we know he could take us away today. Time to smarten up with my walk with God so when that day comes i am ready to face my creator.

Best Pork Chops EVER!

So I am copying my cousin Larina's idea by posting a recipe and pics on my blog to share with you! So here it goes.

Apple Raisin Pork Chops

For 4 pork chops (i double the recipe so i have enough sauce for my rice!)

Brown pork chops in frying pan with oil, sprinkle salt and sage.

Once browned layer pork chops in dish with apples(up to you how many you want, i used three last time cause i love the apples with my meat!) and 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2Tbsp Flour.

With the oil in the frying pan add 1 cup water, and 1tbsp of vinegar, bring to a boil. Add raisins(however many you want) and pour over pork chops.

Bake at 350 F for one hour and then cover and bake for another 20minutes.!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Our Newest addition to the Jefremow's!

Here's our latest purchase, 2004 Toyota Sienna XLE. We were not planning on buying a van just yet but we came across this great deal and couldn't give it up! So now comes the fun of selling our 4 runner! Anytakers? I will post pics of it soon, once I clean it! This Sienna is top of the line, with leather seats, dvd player, automatic everything, seat warmers front and rear heater adn AC controls and much more. It drives pretty nice and ilook forwards to taking it on our holidays this year. W ith the double stroller our back of the four runner was pretty full already! WEll that is my exciting news for the day, keep your eyes open for me on teh road!