Saturday, January 31, 2009

To The Love of my LIFE!

My husband of four and half years is turning 28 tomorrow. (I know super old!!) He is out with the guys tonight as I surprised him with a guys night out at BC Place to see Monster Jam and have dinner! So me and the girls were alone today for part of it. We joined up with some of the other wives who were left alone and had a wonderful dinner at Red Robin. (Who said three moms can't handle six kids under the age of 3!!)

This is a post for my amazing husband and best friend. He may drive me nuts sometimes but I Love him! He has made me a wife and a mother and I couldn't be happier. You make me feel like a million bucks and I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I know you are a little freaked that you are turning 28 and getting closer to 30 but life is just beginning! As you head into this new year with a few less hairs i want you to know that we all love you very much, bald spot and all!!!!!

Happy birthday from all 4 of us!!! :)

HAHAHAHAHA!! Gottcha!!!! Did your heart skip a beat or stop?!
We love you Mommy, Janae and Camryn!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The BIG 26!!

WOW has time flown. I turn 26 tomorrow and its just that much closer to 30! I remember as a litttle girl really wanting to be 25. When ever I played house or college with my cousin Rachael i was always 25. For some reason i thought 25 was the age to be. Well i was 25 for the last 364 days and it wasn't anything special!! This year has been a special year. I gave birth to Camryn just a month before my 25 birthday, meaning at the age of 25 i had two girls under the age of 1!! Camryn was born Christmas day and Janae celebrated her 2nd birthday on Easter this year! Not sure when that will ever happen again.

Then in May my mom celebrated her 50th birthday! And we have continually celebrated her brithday through out the year as we have given her a chart that will be filled with 50 things that us kids are doing for an d with her throughout her 50th year. I only hope i age as well as my mom and look half as good as she does at the age of 50.

May 5th my nephew was born, the first grandson and my first nephew!!

June 26 John and I celebrated our four year anniversary, well we didn't really celebrate it i don't think, maybe out for dinner but that is about it.

My family all went to Tulemeen and we all stayed there for the entire week which was a miracle in itself as we have many differences!!

In fall we celebrated my sister inlaw and brother in laws 40th birthday!

My Taunte Annalee passed away after her battle with cancer.

We had a record amount of snowfall for Christmas and had to postpone all Christmas Gatherings! Camryn turned one and started walking.

These are really only a few things that happened this year but they are the ones that are sticking out to me right now. Of course there were many outting with family and friends.

So what is in store for this year as i turn 26 hmmm, pregnant? hahaha not yet!!! I joined the gym in november and have been going regularly since, of course there have been some weeks that were really lame and i didn't go but for the most part i have been pretty good. I have lost a couple of inches and five pounds but i still have a far way to go to get back my pre pregnancy body. I hope to do that before i get pregnant again. So when you see me all ship shape you can assume baby #3 is not too far off!!haha. John and i are celebrating our 5th anniversary this year and we are going to try and get away for a night or two and leave the girls. This will be the first time leaving them for longer then like four hours. So we shall see if it happens. I have some attachement issues and so do they. I want this year to be different so often i feel like I am "just a mom" a nd i know being a mom is the most important job in the world but i feel that I should do something more. I would "be" someone if i was working outside the home. I know this sounds lame and ridiculous but sometimes i think i might be a better mom if i had a part time job away from them. We'll see if God leads me into a part time job or if i become satisfied with my mother job!! I love my girls greatly and it would be hard to leave them to go to work but some days a break would definately be great.

John is going down to 4 8 hour days this next week. So he will be home 3 days a week. We'll see how long this last. It is a work share program through EI as there is not enough work at his work right now. I think even after this program is done he will remain on 4 10 hour days.

I hope our marriage will take priority again. its been on the back burner for some time probably since Janae was born and it really needs to come back to life and i am going to make a concious effort to make sure that i show my husband love ALL the time!!

So anyways I wanted to leave you with this poem i got from my mom that was on the card she gave to me and like she said it's so true.

How to Make a Beautiful Life

Love yourself.

Make Peace with who you are

a nd where you are

at this moment in time

Listen to your hear.

If you can't hear whta it's saying

in this noisy world

Make TIME for youself

Enjoy your own company.

Let your mind wander among the stars


Take chances.

Make mistakes

LIfe can be messy and confusing at times

but it's also full of surprises.

The next rock in your path might be a stepping stone.

Be happy.

When you don't have what you want

want what you have.

Make DO.

That's a well kept secret of contentment.

There aren't any shortcuts to tomorrow.

You have to MAKE YOUR OWN WAY.

To know where you're going

is only part of it.

You need to know where you've been too.

ANd if you ever get lost, don't worry.

The people who love you will find you

Count on it.

Life isn't days and years.

It's what you do with time

and with all the goodness and grace

that's inside you.


The kind of life you deserve!

Love mom and dad!! Thank you so much this was a wonderful poem and card.

Good Bye 25 and welcome 26!

Thought i would post some pics of me at the age of 25 but apparently i have like none!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So it has been a while since i have blogged. I have thought about it and even opened my blog page but i really have nothing to talk about. Well things have been crazy around here with Janae's behavior lately but that was all resolved on sunday and i do not feel like reliving and telling the whole experience. let's just say i have control of my house again and my child is a sweet well mannered little girl! Hallelujah!!
Camryn just got her fourth bottom tooth which adds up to 8 teeth in total. We tried switching her over to homo milk but did it kind of quick and so after spending one whole night in emergency with a child with a wicked stomach pain and constipated we were told to go back to formual and re introduce homo and do it more slowly, we never did that with Janae but i guess each child is different.
Today i had a great day. I went to physio after dropping my girls off at my sisters place who was still sleeping at 8:30am!! And went to physio to hopefully relieve the tension and pain and get rid of this everyday headache thing! oh and also putting my hip back in place(i have to do that every once and a while cause of a car accident several years ago) Anyways i went to the appointment where they realzied that my hip and my shoulder are like rock hard knots! Could have told you that! so after so pulling and stretching he suggested i do some acupuncture on m y shoulder. i said sure what ever you think can take this pain and headache away go for it. So he did! It didn't hurt at all but there was this dull ache and its still there. After the appointment i felt pretty tired and sore and had a headache and so whne i got to my sisters place Camryn was miserable so instead of hanging out there like i thought i would I took Camryn home to have a nap and left Janae there. I came home with tears in my eyes leaving Janae there!( i don't know why but i was sad that i had left her there, knowing full well that she would be totally taken care of and fine) I tried to nap but my shoulder was hurting to much so i had a bath and read for a bit and then got energy, once the tylenol and advil kicked in and cleaned my entire house without any children getting in my way or begging for my attention. And i also got to re do my nails! camryn woke up at 12:30pm and then i ran to walkmart quick and then went to sonja's house and hung otu there for a couple of hours. Janae had such a great time, she painted, played, got her hair curled like Kalli!! She was just so excited. This is awesome cause she was there for six hours and played great the whole tiem even when i came. Janae tends to be a different child when i am around, well at least she used to be! I look forward to more days where i can drop at least one off and my sister can do the same. W ho ever dreamed of being able to clean your house without the kids. THanks again sis I love you so much!! You are the best aunti ever.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1st Hair cut!!

I forgot to take a before picture so this will have to do!!

So today was the day. Janae actually had enough hair to go for a hair cut. Her hair has grown a lot since she was two and the ends were just not looking so nice anymore and it was always stringy on the bottom so we chopped the ends off!! Here are some pictures. We had originally gone to my Uncle's shop where he trimmed her hair free of charge. But i wasn't happy with just a trim so this evening we went to my mom's for dinner and she chopped off the rest of the hair i wanted off. So she has a cute cut now that makes her hair look a little fuller. S he was pretty excited about the whole haircut and did a great job sitting completely still. Poor camryn stood at the bottom of Janae's chair wanting a turn, but as you all can see in pics camryn has NO hair!!! Janae didn't get hair til she was around 18 months so she has a little while to go yet.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Camryn's birthday party #1!

Yesterday we celebrated Camryn's first birthday with her friends and ours! There was 11 adults and 9 kids under the age of 3!! It was a great time and i think it went pretty smoothly, i acutually got to enjoy myself. i love throwing parties but what normally happens is i end up being in the kitchen the whole time and don't get a chance to visit, but not this time. i did the simple hotdog dinner with chips and then pudding sundaes( cupcake, pudding, gummy worm and whipping cream! camryn recieved a bunch of great clothes and a pair of shoes so she is set in the wardrobe department. it gets pretty tricky finding gifts for one year olds when their older sibling already has all the toys so clothes is the way to go i guess!! i think every one had a great time and no one got stuck here even though it was snowing pretty much the whole time. here are some pictures from last night, out of respect for the families attending i will not be posting pictures of other peoples children, so you'll have to be satisfied with pics of my decor and my children.