I will attach pictures when i get a chance!
Wow have these past two years flown by, i really feel like Camryn should be turning 3! I think about last year and it seems wierd to think that last Christmas Camryn wasn't even walking!! crazy. This year Camryn has learned so much. She has mastered talking!! Putting words together and creating sentences to telling stories. She melts our hearts with her kindness and love. I LOVE putting her to sleep and as i close the door to her room she says, "Love you MAMA!!" LOVE IT!!! She is quick to say sorry if she feels she has done something to someone, this is completely opposite of Janae:) She loves playing with otehre kids and engaging in play and understands instructios well. She loves to color and read books, her favorite are Dora the Explorer. She loves anything Dora including the movies. We listen to DOra books on cd in the car which is kind of annoying to the rest of us but she loves it and knows them off by heart! She loves to sing!! It is amazing at how quickly they pick up the words in the car. She adores her big sister and the two of them can be the best of friends and the worst enemy sometimes. But for the most part they play well with each other and love to cuddle with each otehr. Just yesterday I came into the living room and Janae was half laying on Camryn and Camryn was givingi Janae "nice nice" it was so sweet. She is a very caring and nurturing child.
Camryn got rid of the bottle just over a month ago when she battled a really bad cold so she stopped taking it during that time and never asked for it again. We still need to work on the soother though, she has a little bit too often for my liking especially because it interferes with her talking!! We'll fight that battle in the new year. Camryn has started potty training, i have not started so it only happens when she initiates it, this is how janae was potty trained as well we let her make the move! Camryn has gone # 2 many times already. She sits on the potty and whispers, "shhh pooh's coming!" cute, well at least its cute when a two year old says it.
Camryn would love to be in preschool already and she is totally ready for it. She gets to come with me when I am the mommy helper at Janae's school and she loves it!
Camryn is a monkey when it comes to playgrounds she loves climbing and is really good at it. she follows Janae everywhere on the structures and masters it wihtout our help. Thankfully she is not nearly as clumsy as her dear sister:)
Camryn makes everyone smile with her big smile and closed eyes as her smile is just too big!
We love her so much and can not wait to see what is instore for thsi year in her life.
HAPPY 2nd Birthday CAMRYN!!!