Monday, September 24, 2007


i am sitting here trying to get my mind off the fact that janae is scremaing so hardin her crib seh is going to barf. She has been sick for the past couple of days so we have done more sleeping times iwth her and rocking her and now she doesn't want to sleep in her crib. I had her asleep in my arms and as soon i as i put her down she starts freaking out. I am not feeling good and am dealing iwth lack of sleep. I don't knwo what to do. I have to do everything in my power not to give in but last night after over an hour or screaming iw ent and got her, how long is too long adn will seh eventually go to sleep? Help.


Yvonne said...

I don't know what advice to give except what I've heard from others. If you're consistent with letting her cry it out eventually she should cry less and less everyday. It sucks sitting there listening to that though. I hope things get better for you soon.

christy said...

ya that is what they say but after an hour come on that is way to long!! she was so worked up that after the hour we picked her up and it took her over half an hour to fall asleep. All of a sudden she doens't want to sleep in her crib even if we rock her to sleep. I am just hoping it has to do with her not feeling well. I can't do it, i am so exhausted.

Yvonne said...

I'm so sorry. I wish this was getting easier for you, especially with the new baby on the way. I'll keep praying that something clicks for Janae or that you can find something to give her that will comfort herself as she naps.