Unfortunately our gorgeous day was spent at the mall, in the car and at the inlaws! I know lame!! I really wanted to go to children's place to buy Janae a jean skirt( i was having a hard time finding one) She is getting her two year pictures done on wednesday at superstore(we'll see how they turn out) So i was able to convince myself and john to spend the money on a new outfit for this special occassion! I was looking on the calendar today to see when i should do janae' s party and noticed that easter falls on the 23 of march this year, the day after Janae's birthday! This is so cool cause i can do a easter theme party with an easter egg hunt and everything!!! I guess this year both girls get to spend their birthdays on a special day, Jesus' birth and ressurection!! how special. I dont' really know what to do with this whole birthday thing. I did a big thing for Janae last year with a ton of my firends and their kids and this year i dont' really feel it's necessary, not like it was last year either. I just love going all out for parties!! But now with Camryn i am like why would a do a birthdya for her first year, esepcially becuase it falls at christmas and she really doens't get it or care. but then i think what will she think and say when seh is older and sees i through janae this amazing first birthday and did nothing for her! Quilt!! Oh well we'll see what happens. I still need to figure out this half birthday i dea i am thrwoing around for Camryn!! Any ideas how to give Camryn a special birthdya each year with out it beinglost in allthe christmas busyness.
So I think my family is over the flu now. Janae is still not fully herself but seh's getting there. Camryn is back to sleeping through majority of the night so that is a huge blessing I was getting pretty tired! Now that everyone is back healthy it's time to focus on decorating Janae's room. I thought we would reintroduce her big girl bed to her on ehr birthdya by putting the mattress on my old bed nad painting daisies on ehr wall and hanging pictures up. We tried the big girl bed at 18 months because she wasnt' sleepign in her crib and that didnt' work either. and so these days she starts off in her bed but then by midnight is on the couch with john! Yep john has slept ont he couch since i was 6 motnhs pregnant cause i snored too loud and then when janae started not sleeping in her bed and he was tired of going in tehre and waitin gfor her to fall asleep her brought her on the couch with him(he pushsed the two couches togetther so it's like a bed) and then janae is able to sleep throught he entire night without a bottle, it's crazy i know. we always joke about moving the couches inot her room! It;s funny cause as you know children can't alwasy pronounce words correctly so if you ask janae where seh sleeps she'll say" cowshit" instead of couches. so anwyas i thought for her second birthday i would make a big deal abotu ehr sleeping in ehr room by redoiong it and making it special for her. My mom painted the bed i used to have and so i think htat will excite her as anything nana makes is special to janae. My mom has made clothes and blankets nad jackets for janae nad so janae always says so proudly, 'NAna Made" adn did you knwo that Nana makes carseats, beds and just about anything!!! So we'll see what happens. We are also hoping ot start the potty training thing once we have mastered this bed thing. Maybe john adn i will get to sleep all through the night together soon, it will be the first time in 2 years!! I will let you know how that goes and if any of you reading this have any other ideas on how to succesfully do the transistion let me know!
Well it's 9 and i want to snoop on some other blogs before i go to bed. Have agreat day tomorrow as i see it is suppose to be another gorgeous day!
1 comment:
Heheheheh I love the fish video.
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