Tuesday, March 4, 2008

where does time go

Jeepers, i can't ever seem to find time to post a new blog, i don't know how soem of you do it. All i know is that for me if i get a chance to get on the computer by the time i am done catching up on everyone's blogs i don'thave time to write one myself. The other thing is i don't really know what to write about? I could tell you my everyday stories but that might be boring. A cousin of mine started a blog and she gives out advice and writes these amazing articles and i think that is so cool!! (I am talking about you Larina!) and so i don't have the time to do stuff like that the only thing i can do and do it well is brag about my little ones!! so anyways that is what i am thinking about. Not sure what to do with this blog anymore. I mean if you as readers want to know just my everyday things and thoughts then let me know and i will continue with that. Give me some ideas of what to do !!


Nathan and Melissa said...

everyday things and thoughts are great! its good just to hear whats going on in your life!

Yvonne said...

I agree. Even if some of your posts are just pics with no writing or writing with no pictures it's great to be able to stay connected in that way.

Heather said...

I want to hear and see about your new stroller. You could do a post on that :)

meandthreeboys said...

Yeah, Christy, you should do a post about your wonderful stroller. Maybe give us some tips on how not to drive a double stroller ;) You should tell us your everyday stories so that I can rethink having more than one child!

I know what you mean about not having time to blog once you are done reading everyone elses. I feel the same way!

Rina said...

Write whatever you want!! Anything and everything is interesting!!! :) I love keeping track of friends and family blogs even if it's just a picture one day and a little brag the next day it's all good!!

Rina said...

Oh and the only reason I have time is because I keep a Wordpad open on my computer all day and whenever I get the chance I write a bit and then when Mat gets home and is watching Ky, I proofread and edit it and then post. That's why most of my posts are in the evening, hehehehehe. Also I make quick notes throughout the day if something pops into my head about what I'd like to write about. :)