Tuesday, May 13, 2008

About me

So i took this off a friends blog to use on my own

Fabulous Four
Four jobs I've Had:
1. Egg Collector
2. Walmart cashier and Toy dept
3. IGA Market Place Bakery
4. Kids Club and Open Door, supported child care
Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once:
1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 days
2. Pretty Women
3. Finding Nemo
4. Chipmunks
Four Places I've Lived
1. central Abbotsford, BC
2. West Abbotsford
3. Aldergrove
4. East Abbosford!

4. Four TV Shows I Watch
1. Jon and kate plus 8
2. Little People Big world
3. Take Home Chef
4. Survivor
Four Places I have been:
1. Mexico
2. DisneyLand
3. Manitoba
4. Saskatchewan
Four People Who Email Me Regularly (Depends what regularly means):
1.Mom's meet up group
2. scarpbooking store
3. Facebook
4. Bettyanne
Four of My Favorite Foods:
1. Spaghetti
2. Chocolate
3. steak
4. vereneki
Four Places I would love to Visit:
1. Victoria
2. Disney World
3. Jamaica
4. Cuba


FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

totally unrelated
but I saw your comment on mamabear's site? :)

BUY the oral B vitality

I have it, and it can die once in a while but just drain it (leave it on), recharge it, and drain it again and recharge it

:D :D :D I love my electric toothbrush

Rina said...

Silly goose, I did thank you, in the original post - have a look at the original Hypopituitarism post and you'll see I mentioned you and a link to your blog! :)

Haha hello Fabulous! :)

Nathan and Melissa said...

Hey - thanks for the comment. We have started Natalie on solids - my doctor told me to at 4 months. He said it was better for her to start then, they catch on faster and figure it out. So we have. Thanks for the tip about food - we decided on carrots for tomorrow, mostly cuz I don't have any pears in the house:) And yes, we will be living with my parents if we don't find a place in time, which won't be too bad cuz they have an empty suite downstairs. So we will have our own space.
Side note - you need to update and put up pics! Haven't seen pics of your girls in quite a while! :)