Well i am pretty mad at myself. we went on a big family outting to Harrison and i had forgotten to take the memory card out of the computer and put it bakc into my camera. so here i am at the beach ready to take a pic of janae having a blast and on my screen appears "no memory card" AHHHH! We had a terrific day. i only burned a little the spots i forgot my bathing suit didn't cover and i forgot to lotion thoes areas! And now i am dealing with heat rash all over! Anyone else get small red bumps everywhere that itch and hurt all at the same tiem? I never used to get them. The first time i got them was when we went to Cancun. I thought at the time it was because it was winter here when we wen tand my skin was in shock with the temperature change. i remember the last two days in Cancun i couldn't even sit in the sun i was in so much pain. and ever since i get it every time i am in the sun. i heard benydryl helps, maybe i will have to try that. my doctor told me it was cuase from all of a sudden being in the sun for a long period of time. oh well won't stop me from enjoying this gorgeous weather! So incase some of you arn't diligent readers fo the abbotsford papaer i encourage you to read it today and look for a picture of my daughter janae with a clown! i posted a link to it on my facebook for thoes of you who have access to my profile! It is so neat to see your child in the paper. Kind of gives you the feeling that she is famous! I am sure most peopel don't even think twice when they see the picture but who cares. I just see Janae's face all lit up when i show her the picture in the paper. she must feel like a princess! Anywho, i just wanted to share my day a bit with all you readers and unfortunately i don't have pics from today. but i did capture some cute photos of janae at mill lake. until the next post, enjoy the sun!
Glad you had a good Saturday. The pics of Janae look so good. Forgetting my camera has become a theme for this year - really frustrating actually:) Especially after I remembered to bring it on our trip to Sask and then forget to bring it to any of the events there!:P Have a good Canada Day!
Hey! The first time I ever got heat rash was in mexico too - and now, I get it, and it is so horrible! Little red super itchy bumps. Usually only on my hands, knees, top of feet. So strange! If you ever find out something that helps - let me know!
Love the picture of Janae - and sounds like you guys have fun at Harrison!
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