Well John came home yesterday afternoon. It seriously felt like he has been gone for a month with his florida trip and hunting trip just about back to back. With him being gone so much lately camryn has totally become a mommys girl and it is annoying. I mean i do like the fact that she wants me but it is hard to get things done when i can't leave the room. I was so blessed this time when john went hunting both girls slept through the night each night and had great naps together. I can't remember the last time that i have slept through the night, probably before janae was born!! And when i say sleep i mean from 8-8:30!!! AWESOME!! We did a lot while john was gone ,i painted the bathroom twice cause i hated the first color i chose, it was too dark and i should have never listened to teh paint guy who told me to use semi gloss!! yikes. So now i painted it the same color as my laundry room whihc i love but not sure if i am liking it a whole lot in my bathroom so we'll see if this color stays!!
It is great that john has the rest of the week off til tuesday. Tomorrow we are heading to the pool as janae has been asking for a long time. Saturday we are heading to the pumpkin patch weather permitting with my mom as one of her 50 things! And then in the evenign heading to john's families place for thanksgiving dinner. Where i will be bringing my homemade cranberry sauce and coleslaw!! i know i got off easy!!
Janae and i baked pumpkin and apple sugar cookies today. I really dont' know why i try and bake with janae. She wants to help and i do let her cuase i don't mind messed but it just takes so long. It didn't start off good when she tried to mix the butter and sugar and first spoon she flung into the air and all over the place. She could tell i was annoyed and right away says, "its ok, just accident, we clean it up!" how can you get mad. We have started a naughty mat for this child. Her listening and disrespect it terrible. I dont' know where she gets off thinking ity is ok to hit or kick me. and the screaming in my face or laughing in my face when i am talking to her sternly is out of control. WE had a very bad morning the other day and since the we have talked about her behaviro adn she knows what happens instantly if she is out of line. She was only on the mat once today and she was very upset. So hopefully this works cause it scares me to think that she is so physical towards me at such a young age.
Camryn is a little turkey, she repeated the word cracker to me today by saying,"crack" she also makes a dog barking sound when you ask her what does a puppy say. She is just full of smiles and makes you want to just eat her up!!
Ok so that is it, i surprised my self cuase i was just going ot post a pic of myself and now i have written a novel. Well at least i have give you something to read sonja while you pump in the middle of the night!
Quick question: Do you think it is ok to teach a two year old the proper terms for body parts. LIke penis and vagina?
JOhn doens't think so and i think it's great if they know the right terms. Janae knows that she has a vagina and daddy has a penis, for a while she thought he had peanuts but i think we have cleared that up. It was great the other day when she tried to climb out of camryns crib on her own and fell and in the process really bruised her vagina. She was able to tell me her vagina hurt which was great so i new where she hurt herself. She is such a smart cookie! Sometimes too smart for her own good!!hahaha
Ok let me know what you think!

So what do you think? Should i go shorter next time, grow it out?