So as halloween approached Janae noticed all the digusting scary displays and decorations at different stores. Most of them scared her and she would continue talking about them once we got home. I didn't know how to explain Halloweeen to her as I dont' believe in it and all the ghosts,witches and that crap. So when she would point out halloween stuff at stores I woudl say oh that is just silly halloween junk. Janae now tells everyone that halloween is junk. We were able to not connect the scary halloween stuff to the trick or treating or dressing up together. Halloween junk is all the scary stuff and everything else is fun fall stuff. We did do some trick or treating at our local mall which i was really turned off by. One it was way to busy and secondly we recieved over 10 pieces of peanut butter or peanut chocolates. Janae and john are allergic to peanuts and I was shocked that they would be handing out peanut stuff with all the allergies out there, so I complained but they said it was up to the manager of each store. LAME. We didn't last long there and then went to our church for our fall harvest festival. THere was lots of different games, candy apples, cotton candy ext. Janae had fun eating cotton candy, she cried all the way home cause she didn't get her face painted. But here's the thing we were in the line up to do that but she just gets shy and then doesn't want it and athen she was all excited about the cotton candy that she didnt' care. It's funny cuase Janae is a chatter box and she talks and talks and talks but you have to give her a good half an hour to warm up! Camryn was super tired all evening as she ahd a short nap this afternoon adn is fighting a cold. She wasn't too bad though so we were able to enjoy ourselves.
We got family photos of Johnm's family done last weekend and we got the back I will post the possible christmas card. Tommorow we are trying to get a family pic of just the four of us we'll seehow that goes. Trying to do the christmas card thing this year. WEll i should go off to bed, i will download the
pics first though. hope you all had a great night trick or treating!
love the picture of the two girls together, both looking and happy, that's a great accomplishment!
Kallista didn't want to wash her face paint off, but i promised we could paint her face whenever she wanted so maybe we'll have to do that for her birthday. (and the eyeliner came off easily with just a little makeup remover)
I teach at John Maclure. It was great to see you the other day.
I love their costumes--too cute!
Cute costumes. I think that next year we'll go trick or treating at the mall. There's really nowhere to go around here and the mall is indoors. That sucks about the whole nut thing.
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