At lunch time I went to Janae's school and waited at the playground. She came out with her grade 5 buddy crying. Her buddy Taleah told me that Janae had cried the whole time at recess too. Janae came into my arms crying and telling me how she has cried all day, her eyes looked so tired and she was a bit pale and complaining of a headache. After our 20 minute lunch break together she was all smiles and ready for the afternoon. When I came to pick her up she was beaming from ear to ear. She said she had a good afternoon but still doesn't want to go back tomorrow:( I am just hoping there are no tears tomorrow.
At home I talked to Janae more about school and she shared with me that she had cried last week at school as well but didn't want to tell me cause she was embarressed:( felt horrible that she wanted to be so brave for me:(
Tomorrow she is looking forward to starting Kiwanis at a local church so I think that will help her get through her day maybe tearless?? Ahhhhh, why did they switch kindergarten for full time. I am a strong believe that it is NOT in the child's best interest. This is purely done for the working mom and from talking to parents they are the ones who think it is so great, not because they think their child needs full kindergarten but because it frees them of finding child care and paying for it. I hope that by keeping Janae in kindergarten she will overcome her loneliness and find a good friend that she looks forwards to seeing at school and that this doesn't cause anxiety issues for her.
On the other hand Camryn did great and is loving school, helps that she has a good friend to go with:)
Pregnancy wise a couple of weeks ago I started to have some really bad pains in my pelvic area, which I went to the doctors to see about as it got to the point where I couldn't even lift my legs to pull my pants on with out sitting down. Doctor told me it would probably be there my entire pregnancy and to try and avoid things that bothered it. Well last night in the middle of the night I got up to use the washroom and when I climbed back in bed I did something and there was this crack/thud sound and shift in my hip and then all the pain dissappeared. And all day today it has been fine, so I guess it wasn't a muscle thing like the doctor kept saying but something out of place. Hoping it stays in place from now on:)
I'm glad Janae did well in the afternoon at least. I still feel bad for you both that it was such a hard morning though:( I'll be praying that the rest of this week goes better for you. Glad to hear Camryn's enjoying school!
that just stinks...plain and simple. my heart is heavy for these little ones like janae starting's something that should be at a slower pace, as our kids are so attached to us and need time. b had 2 hard mornings last week, i had tears too! so much of what they go through affects us, and the other way around. i pray that janae will continue to build on her good afternoon today! and if you feel like keeping her home one day here or there for some good together time- why not!:)
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