So once again it has been a while since I have blogged. I have some very special news to share, our son Kesler Peter arrived December 27th at 4:57pm. He weighed 9lbs 3oz and was 52cm long. Thought I would share the birth story so for those of you who do not care to hear it you can stop reading :)
I woke up December 27th around 1am with contractions that ranged from 7-9minutes apart. I waited an hour before I woke John up to tell him as I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know how quickly they could go from 7 to 5 to 3 minutes apart as both of my other pregnancies my water broke first. So we sat around for a while trying to decide if we should phone my mom to come or if we should wait. It takes my mom a good 20 minutes to get here so we didn't want to wait too long but we also didn't want to wake her if I wasn't truly in labor yet.(as she was having her family over for Christmas that evening) So John went back to bed downstairs while I went to bed and slept between contractions. In the morning i was still having them but they were not regular and still 7 minutes apart. At lunch time I decided that we would drop the girls off at my moms and come home to sleep, this way we wouldn't have to worry about them if things picked up:) So we fed them lunch, packed their bags and headed out the door to Aldergrove. As we were driving the contractions picked up and were now only 5 minutes apart. By the time we got to my mom's they were 3 minutes apart and John was FREAKING out!! We dropped the kids off and stopped at the Mcdonalds Drive thru for John as he hadn't eaten anything and we didn't know how long this labor would take. My contractions had slowed down and the last thing I wanted to do was go to the hospital and be sent home so I told John to drive through the mall parking lot and hit every speed bump(this would bring on a contraction) After doing a lap I felt we should probably get to the hospital. I couldn't even walk to the traige without having a contraction in the entry way and in the hallway!! Dr. Shaw was on that day and she checked me and I was 2cm dialated and my cervix was soft. She said to get me a room and she would break my water. They hooked me up to an IV as babies heart beat dropped everytime I had a contraction. My blood pressure was also to high and I was SOOOOO HOT!!
They brought me to my room and Shaw came in and broke my water around 3pm and told me to go for a walk. The contractions were pretty bad at this point and I just wanted it to be over already!! One lap was all my legs could do, so they got me a exercise ball to sit on. At this point my hip and back pain was brutal. They tried giving me the gas but just the thought of putting my mouth on the thing made me sick and I threw up. The pain was pretty bad and the babies heart beat kept dropping which was a very scaring feeling. Finally around 4ish I thought I was going to die:) His head was sideways causeing some serious pressure. At 4:45 Shaw pulled John aside and told him I had two contractions to get this baby out or she would use a vaccuum as she was concerned about his heart beat(the cord was around his neck) At 7cm dilated the next contraction came and I pushed with all my might and his head turned and he flew out! Oh what a relief that was. This was by far the WORST labor/delivery I have had. Thankfully I did not tear and needed no stitches:) The nurse Mildred was great. SHe was in our room the entire time from start to finish watching his heart rate. She also was kind of annoying and John felt like punching her out. Her famous line was " the third baby syndrome, they never cooperate!" This is what she would say when i was having a contraction:) Anyways Kesler arrived with a full head of hair and entered the world poohing everywhere:)
After he was born John drove out to my parents to get the girls so they could have some alone time before the rest of the family came to meet him.
On Friday I brought Kesler into Shaw's office to have his tongue snipped as he was tongue tied and they were concerned that it might effect his speech later on. the whole procedure was super quick and he barely cried. At the appointment Shaw thought he looked Jaudice and sent me to go and get lab work done for him. The results came back two hours later that his level was at 330, Shaw said this was too high and that I needed to top him up with formula to try and flush out his system. And also to go back to maternity the next morning to see Driedger to get more blood work done. His levels came back Saturday morning at 321. It had gone down so I was cleared to go back home and continue to top him off. On Sunday we went to church and after lunch I decided to go back to the hospital to get more blood work done to make sure his levels were still coming down as he was still pretty yellow. His numbers had spiked to 369 and we were admitted to the Pediatric Ward where Kesler was put under blue lights to help the Jaundice. He was there from Sunday 5pm till Monday 2pm. I was an emotional wreck. Baby blues peak at 5 days after you deliver and having not slept in 4 days I couldn't stop the tears! Thankfully the night Kes was under the lights I managed to get some sleep:)
He is such a cutie, we have people telling us he looks like Camryn and Janae and I too think it's a combo. His eyes look like they might be brown but we'll have to wait a few more days to truly see what happens:)
We chose the name Kesler during the NHL Playoffs. Having head the name Kesler throughout the playoffs numerous times I fell in love with it as well as the shortened version..KES!! Peter is my dads name and I really wanted our son to carry on a family name from my side. It was a toss up between Gunther(my maiden name) and Peter. John liked Peter better so that is what we went with. It is after my dad but my grandpa and great grandpa are/were Peter as well. Also my mom's dad's middle name is Peter so it covers alot of people on my side.
So there is the short story of Kesler's arrival:) I will try and upload some pics
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