Monday, February 11, 2008

do they look alike?


christy said...

Guess who is who? there is obviously two pics of one child.

Yvonne said...

I think the top two are Janae and the bottom one is Camryn. They do look very alike.

Heather said...

My guess is the opposite, but I kinda cheated because I saw them on facebook :-) I think they do look alike, but I think their eyes are different shapes! Even looking down throught different pictures on Camyrn in previous post. They are both just so cute!!

meandthreeboys said...

I think that they look at lot alike, just the eyes are different. How old was Janae in that picture? I think that other picture of Janae you've got on Facebook looks more like Camryn. In this picture her eyes look more different because of the way she's looking.

Liam doesn't want Camryn to outdo him (gotta have the girlfriend smaller than him!), so he's gained 6 lbs in the last two months! I think Liam's interested in another girl, though. He was pretty smitten with the 5 month old girl in the nursery on Sunday, but she wouldn't pay any attention to him.