Monday, February 18, 2008

stay away from my house!!

Camryn in her cage! Room 318!
I new camryn like sucking her hand but i didnt' know this was her favorite or i would have asked them to put the IV in the other hand!

Camryn in her 6 month sleeper she got from Aunti Sonja, it fits just perfect. camryn is 13pounds 9oz!! she has put on 3 pounds in 7 weeks!!

Just when i thought my saturday couldn't get worse. at 11pm camryn
started throwing up and would not eat and the little bit that would go down came up just as fast so off to the hospital i went, leaving john who just started throwing up and having diarreah before i left and janae who still has diarreah at home. i sat in emergency where we tried to get camryn to drink something but woulnd't and kept throwing up,so finally at 4am they decided it was time for an iv and to admit her. None of the nurses wanted to put the iv in but finally teh head nurse did and camryn smiled the whole time, what a tough cookie. So we went up to the pediatrics and once she was hooked up to the iv she stopped barfing and fell into a good night sleep. she woke up the next mornign starving adn drank a full bottle and kept it down and did the rest of the bottle the rest of the day but they wanted her to stay a full day before sending her home. i did not sleep at all the first night and thank goodness i got some sleep last ngiht, despite my disrespectful roommates!(the parents of a sick child). So anywyas this mornign they discharged her and so we are at home. JAnae still has diarreah and so does john although it has gotten better and now camryn has diarreah. I jsut did a load of barf and pooh clothes adn have gathered all janae's toys to bleach! This house is going to be sanitized today so i don't get this horrible virus. Well i should get going on the bleaching. I am so glad ot be hoem so i can enjoy this gorgeous weather outside instead of from the third floor window at MSA! I think i will wash my vehicle first! Have a great week everyone, oh and i learned that when kids have diareah (1 year to adults) give them diluted welches white grapae juice, it absoibs in the body, donot give apple juice!!


Yvonne said...

Wow! What a time your family's been having lately. I'm glad Camryn's eating now and you're at home. Praying for a speedy recovery from this for all of you.

meandthreeboys said...

Camryn is trying to outdo Liam in the weight gain department! I'm glad things are getting better and I hope you are managing to get more sleep at home. If only I could get my little boy back to bed now, unfortunately it's 5 am and he's been wide awake for over a hour so far.

Nathan and Melissa said...

I'm sorry to hear about your sick family! Praying you all get better soon!