Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wow, it's July Already!

What did kids do before bouncy castles? This is Janaes favorite thing, thank goodness for the community cruiser that comes to our park weekly!
I was gonna post some more canada day pictures but niece is in them and my sister doesn't like her picture all over theh interenet, but if you are my friend on facebook you can view them there.

I can't believe how time flies when you have kids! We have been busy these past couple of weeks. Outside and taking in the gorgeous sunshine. John had Canada Day off so we went to the Canada Day parade with my sister and her daughter and my cousins Jen and Michelle and michelle's two kids. We had a great time. Janae had a blast grabbing candy and camryn enjoyed sleeping in her carseat! After the parade i dropped john and camryn off at home and Janae and i headed off to the PlayDAy at rotary. It was a really nice day out as it was not super hot and there was a nice breeze. However i decided not to lather up with sunscreen and so my skin was fried! oops! it is crazy how our sun is so different. i used to never have to wear sunscreen, i never burnt. but in the last say 5-7 years or so i fry and that is so unusual for me! The sun is definately getting hotter! I took camryn in on monday for her 6 month shots and she weighed in at 21 pounds and i think 71cm! she is in the 100th percentile for both. but is where she should be for the size she was at birth!

So yesterday at dinner we are sitting down and eating and Janae says," I like um sauce sooo bad like whatever" WHAT?! i wonder where she hears the word like a lot? or whatever!! serioulsy i am scared when she opens her mouth afraid i have said something that iw ill regret! i guess at this point it is probably too late!!

Anyways i am gonna post some pictures and i always forget how to do it, whether you down load first or after so that pictures go where you want them. i have a feeling they will be above on this post. but i am posting some picks of canada day and one where you can see just how ginormous camryn is!!