Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Camryn!!

I will attach pictures when i get a chance!
Wow have these past two years flown by, i really feel like Camryn should be turning 3! I think about last year and it seems wierd to think that last Christmas Camryn wasn't even walking!! crazy. This year Camryn has learned so much. She has mastered talking!! Putting words together and creating sentences to telling stories. She melts our hearts with her kindness and love. I LOVE putting her to sleep and as i close the door to her room she says, "Love you MAMA!!" LOVE IT!!! She is quick to say sorry if she feels she has done something to someone, this is completely opposite of Janae:) She loves playing with otehre kids and engaging in play and understands instructios well. She loves to color and read books, her favorite are Dora the Explorer. She loves anything Dora including the movies. We listen to DOra books on cd in the car which is kind of annoying to the rest of us but she loves it and knows them off by heart! She loves to sing!! It is amazing at how quickly they pick up the words in the car. She adores her big sister and the two of them can be the best of friends and the worst enemy sometimes. But for the most part they play well with each other and love to cuddle with each otehr. Just yesterday I came into the living room and Janae was half laying on Camryn and Camryn was givingi Janae "nice nice" it was so sweet. She is a very caring and nurturing child.
Camryn got rid of the bottle just over a month ago when she battled a really bad cold so she stopped taking it during that time and never asked for it again. We still need to work on the soother though, she has a little bit too often for my liking especially because it interferes with her talking!! We'll fight that battle in the new year. Camryn has started potty training, i have not started so it only happens when she initiates it, this is how janae was potty trained as well we let her make the move! Camryn has gone # 2 many times already. She sits on the potty and whispers, "shhh pooh's coming!" cute, well at least its cute when a two year old says it.
Camryn would love to be in preschool already and she is totally ready for it. She gets to come with me when I am the mommy helper at Janae's school and she loves it!
Camryn is a monkey when it comes to playgrounds she loves climbing and is really good at it. she follows Janae everywhere on the structures and masters it wihtout our help. Thankfully she is not nearly as clumsy as her dear sister:)
Camryn makes everyone smile with her big smile and closed eyes as her smile is just too big!
We love her so much and can not wait to see what is instore for thsi year in her life.
HAPPY 2nd Birthday CAMRYN!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Apple Daze

Saturday was a mixture of weather, so we decided to hit up the MCC sale at Tradex in the morning and then in the afternoon when the sun came out we headed to Willowview farms in abbotsford to pick some apples, the petting zoo, hayride and play area. The girls had a blast and we had a great afternoon. Here are some pics of our day.

First day of Preschool

AHh preschool. We thought we would wait til Janae was four to start school but when i read in a local paper about a 1 day a week preschool class i thought this was a great idea or Janae. I signed her up and brought her to school on her first day to realize that the teacher was a drop out from the college i graduated from while doing my ece. She wasn't a licensed staff and her supervision of the children was rediculous. Needless to say i was totally disappointed and ticked off a little as i was never told it was an unlicensed center. I thought all preschools had to be but apparently not, should have done more research. Anyways after her first day at this preschool and I wanted her out of there as I really didn't feel safe leaving her there in their care. So i phoned around as I new Janae would be devasted if i she coulnd't go to school at all. Thankfully when i phone MEI they had just had a child drop out of the morning class, exactly what i needed. So i registered her and we went to see the teachers. Janae had gone to one class for an hour and half and then the next week we had hand foot and mouth disease here. This disease only shows systems 7 days after being infected. Camryn had it the worst. There were blisters throughout her mouth(more then 15) and her hands feet and bum were covered as well. The only treatment is tylenol with codeine. My sisters girl got it is as well. So Janae missed preschool last week and now with her broken arm she will miss this week as well and maybe next week as well. she is very sad about this as she LOVES school. She loves her teachers and loves that she gets to be on her own like a big girl. They just grow up way to fast.

First Trip to the OR

So these pics are of Janae had home sporting her new sling. Picture of me dressed up as a "nurse" to bring janae into the OR. Janae and me right before she went in for surgery and Janae in her big bed.

So as most of you know Janae broke her right arm this week and so i thought i would post a the few pics we took(John forgot to bring the camera) with John's phone and give you the detailed story of what happened that led to a trip to the ER and later the OR.

Monday morning I dropped of Josh(the boy I watch) off at school and went to walmart. Around 9 we were driving around and trying to figure out what we wanted to do. I just didn't want to go home and clean my house! So Janae asked to go to the Mill Lake park which i never take her too because i hate that park and think it is unsafe(I always have found this park not super safe, more for camryn then Janae). Anyways i figured there wouldn't be many kids there so i would go. Off we went.
Janae was running around on the play structure and had already slipped on the bridge part. I was talking a to friend and I had just finished telling her that i was going to maybe go for a walk cause i thought the play structure was to slippery. (it was covered in dew). Janae went to the corkscrew fire pole and put one foot and hand on to realize that it was too wet and attempted to go back on the play structure when her foot slipped and she fell down, all the way from the top of the structure. Her right arm was out and so she fell on it. She was screaming and i ran across the playgroung knowing that the way she was screaming that something was really wrong. I had to take her jacket off to see the arm and realize that around her elbow it was scrapped and swollen and lopsided looking. So off we went to the Emergency. Everything went pretty quick in emerge thankfully. She was screaming pretty good the entire time. She had x rays done and within 20 minutes the pedeatric ortho surgeon came to tell us that they would be operating on her arm at 3pm. she had fractured her arm and twisted it. I was bawling at this point trying to hold myself together for Janae but thoes of you who know me, i cry pretty quickly. They admitted Janae. John took camryn home for a nap and Janae and i waited in our room on the peds floor for her surgery. John came back to the hospital at 3 after my mom went to my house to watch camryn. Janae was taken to the OR at 3:30pm and I didn't take her to the operating table til 5:00pm. It was the worst feeling ever. John and i tried hard to keep ourselves together but both of us had tears flowing. I took janae and was there til she closed her eyes and was out. She was in recovery within an hour. They reset her arm and have put two pins in her arm. I didn't get a chance at the hosptial to find out details so i hope to get some more clear answers next week. She woke up and was pretty groggy and continued to open her eyes and then fall back asleep. She has a 3/4 cast on so it almost covers her whole are and starts at her wrist and goes up to her shoulder. She will be in this for three weeks. At 3 weeks she will have the pins removed while awake and then another cast for three weeks.
It was such a nice stay at the hospital. We had a private room and visitors were allowed to visit at anytime during the day or night. John was even allowed to stay if her wanted to!
We were discharged at 4pm on Tuesday. Janae was really afraid to use her arm at first or move period but after a few times moving and seeing that it doesn't hurt like it did the day before when it was broken she has gotten quite comforatble moving aroun.
Janae slept ok last night. today she was doing puzzels, writing with her left hand(maybe she will switch and become a lefty) and helped me bake apple pie.
She is super thankful for all of you who prayed for her during this time and for the many visitors. She is sad that she has to miss preschool and can't play at the park. The minute we arrived home from the hospital she asked to put on her princess play shoes!! are you kidding me.:)
These next 6 weeks will probably be torturouse for all of us. Janae was already asking today at dinner when we were going to get out of the house!! Oh dear she has turned into me:)
So that is the story. Our next doc appointment is with teh surgeon who operated on her DR.Wikkham where she will have more x rays done.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Walk for Autism

Hey, for thoes of you who do not know I take care of a 13 year old boy with Autism. He is a high functioning autistic child and is pretty independent. If you go to their website and click the donate button and search Joshua French or Fraser Falcons.I had him full time in August and now he is in school so i only have him for a bit before school and then for a couple of hours after school. He is such an amazing child, super polite, well mannered, amazing with little kids and affectionate. He is such a joy to have in my home. It is a little louder in my house these days but it's fun.

I want to post a link for the Walk for Autism that Josh is participating in at the end of the month. He is trying to raise $1000.00. If you feel like you want to donate and help children with autism you can donate your money by going to their website and click the donate button and search Joshua French or Fraser Falcons.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

For My DAD!

Daddy's Girl

When you were young, pony-tailed,
face full of playful freckles,
were you a daddy's girl?
I was. I still am.
Did you look to him for your security,
for love and attention,
for the understanding, and the patience you lacked
as a child?
My daddy was the center of my small world,
the focus of my affections,
the star that lit my life, shining bright.
Shining still in my heart.
The years have led me here,
weathered with maturity and responsibilities,
and I see more clearly now.
The hardships, burdens of love,
and all the small sacrifices he made for me,
for our family.
He created stability, a place to call home.
All the photographs I browse through
of a child long forgotten, scarcely remembered
smiling, so happy and so loved.
The mere thought of becoming that role model
is enough to send me cowering, afraid...
looking for guidance.
Turning to my father and my more for support,
advice, wise counsel, and for approval.
Grown up, I see differently now...
A new perspective of a man I have always known.
My heart is full, my emotions overpowering
just in the certainty of that bond.
He's been there for me through all the conflicts
helping me over the rough, ragged stones of growing up.
My respect for him is unending,
faith is unbound, and love is unquestioning.
Even in the midst of all my imperfections, he is lenient,
ignoring the pitfalls, the downfalls, the shortcomings,
he just accepted me as I was, as I am.
The sheer purity of it leaves me awe-struck
and it lifts me up, it holds my head a little higher,
it keeps me in balance,
harmonizing with the world around me
beautifully, like an inspired masterpiece from the soul
of an honest man.
I am honored to know him, to love him, to be of him.
He's my hero, and I am his daughter, his little girl.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD!! Happy Father's Day

I don't have a pic of my dad on this silly computer so i will have to download one a different time!

Happy Father's Day John

A Little Girl Needs Daddy poem A little girl needs Daddy For many, many things: Like holding her high off the ground Where the sunlight sings! Like being the deep music That tells her all is right When she awakens frantic with The terrors of the night. Like being the great mountain That rises in her heart And shows her how she might get home When all else falls apart. Like giving her the love That is her sea and air, So diving deep or soaring high She'll always find him there.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy 28th Birthday SIS!

The Woman I Call Sister

The woman I call sister
Is someone who is there
The woman I call sister
Is someone who always cares.

The woman I call sister
Can make me smile when times are blue
The woman I call sister
Is someone very true.

The woman I call sister
By choice, is my best of friend
The woman I call sister
Will be there till the end

The woman I call sister
Is the blessing from God above
The woman I call sister
Is the sister that I'll always love.

HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY SONJA!! I Love you so much!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

So it has been awhile!

Well it has been over a month since I posted a new post. There are many reasons for that. First of all John doens't bring his laptop home anymore and therefore i have to go downstairs and use the computer and my time is limited. I also don't really know what to write about. Do people care about my everyday life? I have read other peoples blogs and love following them, i am just not sure if i have what it takes to be a blogger. I have never been good at writing and so I am not sure what to do. Anyways for the time being I will give and update on what is happening in our household these days.
Recently John took all the pictures off his laptop and put them onto a memory stick and then onto our computer downstairs. Well somehow over half of the pictures are missing and we have no idea where they are! The pictures are from this past year and they are gone! Thank goodness i posted a lot of pictures on my blog and facebook that i have a decent amount of them but there are still some missing which makes me want to cry. We will continue to search for them on the laptop maybe they are hiding. Any suggestions?
The weather has been getting nicer and so the girls and I have been enjoying heading out to our local parks for a fun morning of play. It makes the day go by so much faster when the sun is shining. It makes me feel so much happier and way more energetic to wake up to the sun than when it rains.
This past weekend John took me and the girls to Kamploops for a weekend away. It just happened to land on mothers day and john surprised me with flowers in our hotel room. It was a wonderful weekend. We mainly went for the BC Wildlife zoo as we have yearly passes to the Vancouver Zoo which includes this zoo so it was free. It was such a gorgeous zoo and not busy at all. The girls did great during the day and as well as at night and the drive. They behaved so well we really didn't feel like coming home and when we did we kept talking abotu where and when we are going away again!!
Camryn is growing up so fast. She is 16months now and is just running around! She is starting to talk. She says sentences but only mommy understands them! She can make all animal noises. She loves reading and will sit on your lap for a long time with a book. She has a much longer attention span then Janae did and does! She likes to play along side Janae which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. She likes to walk around carrying her doll and giving it hugs and kisses. She loves water, so bath time is super fun and so is going swimming! When we mention the word bath she repeats it and then pulls her clothes off and heads to the bath tub where she attempts to climb in! She is getting so tall too. I need to measure her and weigh her but i will wait til she is 18months to do that! Camryn is sleeping through the night for the most part, she still will wake up for a bottle once and awhile but it is normally after an 8 hour stretch. She loves to sleep just like her mommy. I feed camryn a bottle before bedtime and nap time and just recently after she is finished her bottle she says "nun nite"and then waves to everyone. At nap time she will say "nun nite nae" which is what she calls Janae. Camryn is always concerend about Janae. When she is not in the room Camryn runs around yelling "NAE, NAE" and when she finds her she points and says,"there she is" well that is what is sorta sounds like!! I still haven't been able to get Camryn to eat fruit. She will eat in dessert but not on it's own. She doens't like sweet foods. Thank goodness other then that she is not a picky eater.

Janae is growing like a weed. She has grown 3 inches since her 2nd birthday and still only weighs 30lbs which is what Camryn weighs!! She talks and talks and talks. Recently i noticed she has picked up on how i talk and that is with my hands!! It is funny watching her, she also has picked up on how i use the word "like" alot! She sure talks like an adult sometimes. Kind of scary actually. Janae has learned how to ride a bike with training wheels and has also learned how to use the breaks! She loves helping me make supper and work outside, washing the van or gardening. She can be the biggest helper but also be a lot fo work too. Janae has good days and then really bad days. A good day will be one where she chooses to be a great sister and friend to Camryn which gives me a little break while they play together. A bad day is Janae will annoy and bug and be not so nice to camryn which causes me to stress out a bit and do a lot of time outs and sometimes yelling! Not always proud of the way I deal with some situations but sometimes your just not in control. I am sure most moms have felt out of control from time to time. Janae loves shopping and especially going to Save on Foods where she is able to have her own little buggy. Janae is so full of life and i am in awe of who she is becoming. Today while we were driving we were listening to Veggie tales and they were singing the song, " i can only imagine" this has to be one of my all time favorite songs. We listen to it quite a bit and today Janae sat in her car seat and sang the song word for word, it brought such a joy in my heart. What i loved the most is that when they sang, "will i dance for you Jesus" she would sing "when i dance for My Jesus" She loves reading her bible and hearing all the stories and she actually listens and asks multiple questions so she really understands it. She talks often about how God created her and the things around us. Each night she prays for each of us in our family and at dinner she will pray as if she is an adult thanking God for giving us food and family. It truly is amazing listening to your kids talk about Jesus.
So that's the news with the girls. They are such a blessing and i have realized that everyday is a blessing that i need to treasure whether it is a really good day or a rough day. God has given me these precious children to love and care and what a blessing that is.
John is busy working. For 4 months John was on workshare working 4 days a week. It was ok financially and we really loved having him home an extra day! A couple of weeks ago John's company went into skeleton mode and layed off the night shift and John's co worker. So now he is back to 5 days a week but on his own. Somedays he comes home pretty stressed out but we are reminded often that we nee dto be thankful that he has a job and is working.
We recently got a couple renting our basement suite, they are super nice and we couldn't be happier with our choice. This extra income sure helps out and makes it a little easier to breath.
Anywho i think this is enough babble for now. I think i have sort of got you caught up to the latest news.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So it has finally come into our home! We have been pretty much healthy all winter. Camryn was the only one who suffered from any illness but this week it's been a whole different story. It has hit all of us. It started with Camryn and went to me and then Janae and then John. I got sick last week Wednesday and I think I would be better by now if i would actually get a good night sleep. But Janae is REALLY sick and so it has been 3 sleepless nights in a row for both of us. She came down suddenly on sunday with a fever and it is still present. She also has a horrible rummbling cough and runny nose. Took her to the doctor today and she has a chest infection and so antibiotics are required to help her get better. Question from all my readers, do any of you have any tricks to getting a 3 year old to take her meds? She has put it in her mouth but immediately spits it out. She normally takes advil and tylenol totally fine so it must be the antibiotics. We've tried bribes but because she has NO appetite and has not eaten in two days bribes aren't working. I sure hope this is gone so we can enjoy this long weekend ahead. John has Friday til Tuesday off so a five day weekend!!
So that is what has been happening lately.
Camryn is starting to talk up a storm. She knows what sound each animal makes and said the word "Bubbles" the other night while having a bubble bath. It is adorable and i really need to get a video of her saying it cause it is the cutest thing ever!
We've had some gorgeous weather out this past weekend and unfortunately with our health we didn't make it out and so there are no pictures of the awesome weather we just had this weekend!
Well i really am in no mood to type but saw that i hadn't really blogged in a while so i thought i would give you something, not much but something

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Janae!!

Janae Elizabeth Grace arrived at 9:23am March 22. She was two weeks early and weighed 8pounds 4oz. I had told my cousins earlier that day at lunch that i was going to have my baby that night and they said there is no way as first time moms never go early!!

First family picture. I think i look pretty good for having been up all night and pushing for three solid hours.

Oh my word time flies!! My little baby is turning 3 tomorrow and it makes me sad. It has been a fun, exciting and challenging year with Janae. She is her own special little person. She is strong willed, determined and incredibly smart which equals TROUBLE!! Of course there were many days this year i wanted to rip my hair out of my head and scream but they are over shadowed by the sincere, caring and kind littel girl that is in there but only appears at random times. She has grown huge physically and I think is now the tallest of her friends. She speaks like a grown up most of the time and has learned how to negotiate. She also has learned how to buckle herself into her carseat, unlock the front door, climb in and out of the bathtub, lock and unlock the bathroom door, and her first stitches!. She also recieved an early birthday gift and has learned how to ride her new bike. She has become MORE attached to me then before. And i mean attached, she wakes up each morning asking if i am staying with her all day. If i am going somewhere it is talked about all day and when I do leave she cries and panics. It feels good that she wants me but I need to get out here and there so I can regroup and refocus. Janae basically potty trained her self this year as well as gave up her soother all on her own. We are slowly working on wearing panties for bed! Janae loves to sing and love going ons tage with her dad to worship even if i tell her to come down! She is just a very outgoing energetic child who has goals and a strong determination and I hope and pray that as she gets older she uses these gifts to become whatever she wants to be. She is a great sister to Camryn for most of the time and is learning how to say things in a nice manner and "teach" camryn rather then boss her.

Janae, you are a beautiful little girl that God gave to Daddy and I three years ago. We could not have asked for a better daughter. We are excited to see what you will learn this year and what you will experience. We wish you a very happy birthday and love you very much.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What a relief!!

Well we can breath a little easier financially now as we have found renters for our suite April 1!!! We are totally excited to fill our suite with a young couple just starting out. Of course the money is what gets us really going as things are tight with John going down to four days and a bunch of major bills coming our way (house insurance, property tax, van and car insurance!!) so this is so nice to have the extra income. I have been feeling pretty quilty lately feeling like i should bring in some income somehow to help us get ahead but just can't get past the thougth of leaving the girls to go to work. So with teh suite being filled it's like i have a job! Praise the Lord. The tenants signed a six month contract but plan on being here LONG term but just didn't want to be bonded for a longer period of time which is totally understandable.
We were so afraid posting out add in the Abbotsford paper but we got amazign feed back and had a good handful of people to chose from and there was only one person we said right away "NO" the rest were all potential renters. We chose this young couple as they want long term and some of the other couples didn't. We hope we dont' have to do this process over again. But when we do we will definetely have an application for them to fill out at the time of viewing cause John was getting pretty confused with numbers and people as he was taking the calls on his cell at work and wasnt' paying attention to the details!! Oh well we got renters now and that is all there is to it and we are so thankful.

On another note my toes is slowly healing . For those of you who have run into the corner of the couch or corner of wall know the pain that follows. Normally when i have done this in the past it hurts for a little bit and that is about it. Well over a week ago i RAN into the corner of our couch downstairs and broke my pinky toe!! Seriously the worst pain in the world and there is absolutely nothing doctors can do about it. It is still pretty painful to wear shoes or walk in general and the colors it changes every day is amazing. Its pretty annoying having it constantly ache all the time. ANd i am on pins and needles when the kids are around me. Camryn has fully stepped on it and i almost hit the floor in tears! They say it can take several weeks to heal. My mom did this when we were young and it took her 3 months to heal!yikes. I havne't been able to go to the gym this past week becasue of it but i will attempt to try on my fitted gym shoes and see if i can at least ride bike. I NEED to lose this weight before summer starts and i have to wear a bathing suit or shorts!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Gotta Be Kiddin'!!

Yeah!! a picture of me and the girls...finally!!! I got John to take this picture for my mom as she made all of our sweater vests in this picture!
Janae going for a bike ride, she is doing really good.

Janae and I went to the Gotta Be Kiddin thing at Ag Rec yesterday, she had fun for the first 20minutes til the mascots started walking around and then she started screaming and shaking and wanting to go home. She is terrified of people dressed up.

Getting her face painted, last year there would have been no way she would have let anyone paint on her face.

She wasn't afraid of the princess's because she can see there face.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Janae's Pretend Birthday!!

Princess chocolates that look so pretty in the box that they will stay in there a while as we have learned that chocolate+Janae= horrible behavior
Princess balloon from Uncle John. Probably her favorite uncle cause he plays with her the entire time we are together.Here she is after she has opened her bike. She was so exciting, after the picture was taken she was running around cheeringOpening the gift, the pictures are in the wrong order again
So like I said in my previous post we celebrated Janae's 3rd birthday with the Jefremow's yesterday as John's parents left for 6 weeks to paraguay this morning. Janae kept asking if it was her birthday and we told her it was her early birthday party but her birthday was on March 22nd. And she responded, "so this is my pretend birthday!!!" yep sure. I took Janae in yesterday morning to have her stitches looked at because the cut still looked pretty raw and she was complaing it was really hurt and so I thought that maybe it was infected. But it wasn't thank goodness. Once we were in the car Janae said, " does this mean i still have my ouie for my party?!!" She is suppose to get them out tomorrow and i am a little worried about the tears. She was pretty freaked out yesterday and the doctor didn't even go close to her. We'll see what happens but I am sure a bribe will be thrown into it!!
So I had John's whole family her which is 13 people altogether including Janae and camryn. I made sweet and sour meatballs and mushroom sauce and meatballs with rice and salad. Everything turned out great and I thought dinner tasted good too! Janae got spoiled. John's parents bought her a purple princess bike and wind breaker jacket and Aunti Hilary and Uncle John bought her a helmut and when John showed up late cause he was working he came with a princess balloon. From Uncle Walt and Aunti Angie she got a kids Bible, ratatouille magnetic book and a bug sticker book. So she has been busy learning how to ride her bike and is doing awesome. I wish we had a nice drive for her to ride on but we don't and our street isn't the best either so i am sure we will be going to mill lake often. Well when i can get help til Janae doesn't need help riding cause i can't help her and push camryn!!! Here are some pictures of our day yesterday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sneak Peek!

Final product
cute and simple

Kind of ruin the cake with the huge princess on it but it's all for Janae!!

Some pictures of Janae's Princess cake for tomorrow. I was creative and just bought window cling princess things at the dollar store all of them for a buck and then mounted them onto cardstock and taped a toothpick on the back. Had i realized how big they were compared to the cake i would have boughten smalled stickers but whatever!!! The is a white cake cut into three layers and inbetween each layer is lemon pie filling and cool whip!!! I can't wait to sink my teeth into it tomorrow!!

It was Only a matter of time...

The fort we made this morning which i mention below! I have no idea how to get my pictures to go where i want them too!!

Her pretty blue stitches

So happy about having a butterfly bandaid

this is in the emergency room, she wanted to see the picture and when she did she started freaking out so i couldn't take another one that would show her wound better.
Janae took a dive off the couch the other day and landed right on her chin on the hardwood floor. So after a few phone calls the inlaws drove over and stayed with Camryn til John could get home from work while i took Janae to the emergency. She split her chin pretty deep from falling off the couch and i was sure it needed stitches. I don't panic in these situations I do cry and i have no idea why cause it's not the end of the world. I do know this time part of my crying had to do with the fact that i knew she would need stitches i would need to hold her down and listen to her scream. We went to our brand new hospital here in Abbotsford where they kindly gave me a list of walk in clinics as they said the wait woudl be at least 3 hours long. I debated on what to do cause i really don't like walk in clinics but i also didn't want to sit there for 3 hours. So I decided to leave and try a walk in clinic(i phoned from the hospital to make sure the doctor on call could stitch her up if she need to be) We didn't have to wait long and sure enough she needed to stitches. Janae did really well considering he was shoving a needed directly into the wound from four different angles. I was able to hold her in my lap for this but for him to do the stitches we had to lay her down and when i say we I mean me the doctor stitching her and a nurse. It was pretty bad. So she has her two stitches which come out on Monday assuming i will be able to get her to the doctor!! she already said she is going to wait til the string just fall out!!!! Surprisingly she slept through the night which she has not done in AGES! i guess all that cryingi from like 2-6 wore her out. She doesn't complain it hurts unless she bumps it by accident and is now just complaining that it itches. Its pretty purple and gross looking but we keep a bandid on it. Here are some pictures.
Today was an interesting day! Both girls have had attitudes and behavior issues and I am surprised i still have hair left because i felt like ripping it out. Camryn is picking up on all Janae's wonderful behaviors and it is freaking me out! She has started pinching and it hurts like crazy but she doens't stop no matter what you do, we've tried the ' that hurts" and put her down, time out, slap of the hand and the slight pinch to show her it hurts and she still does it. And just yesterday she started the hair pulling. I really hope she stops she is my easy content child but she is turning into a little monster!!! I am just hoping it is a short phase that doens't last too long. To try and help the girls play together and maybe illiminate some problem we built a huge fort in the living room and it was all fun and games for about 15 minutes before Janae claimed the fort hers and no one was allowed to come in.
Tomorrow we are celebrating Janae's 3rd birthday early as John's parents are leaving for Paraguay on Sunday and will be gone over Janae's real birthday so I should go I have a princess cake to make!!!