Wednesday, November 23, 2011

here we go

So I started off pretty good blogging every couple of days but I just haven't had the time or energy to blog lately. Plus I just don't know where to begin and lately with dealing with Janae I feel that maybe others don't want to hear me talk about it(or complain about it) so I haven't really felt like blogging either. But as November comes to an end thought I would give a little update on our family.

Janae is still having anxiety issue about school, however her anxiety only appears as I leave school and for a short period after I am gone. We are only doing half days(till lunch) eveyday and this seems to be working and helping her out. I have met with Jalene from Youth and Mental Health who has given me suggestions and has helped Janae's teacher as well. Janae and I will be attending Anxiety Classes in January that will give Janae(an me) coping skills to deal with the anxiety and hopefully by mid January we can attempt full days. There is a lot of details about anxiety and how it effects kids and stuff so if anyone ever wants to learn more about anxieties in kids or adults feel free to message me as I know lots on both as I too struggle with anxieties. Anyways right now Jalene and Janae's teacher feel half days are best for her especially with baby coming and Christmas.
We have seen the anxieties move to other areas of Janae's life. She no longer can go to Sunday School or Kids Club. She really wants to be there but just can't go. It's hard because I know she wants to be there but when her anxiety is heightened she is unable to think resonably or think clearly so it's a battle and often I feel like I am a failure at being a mom cause I don't know what to do and then also worrying about what other people think. I know some of you will read this and think I should just drop her off and she'll get over it but I have come to a point where I just don't want to hear peoples opinions on it anymore(maybe that is why I don't want to share about it on here) I am working with professionals now and so I just have to stand my ground and do what we feel is best for my child:) I pray that one day she'll just snap and the anxieties will be gone, but I think it is wishful thinking. I am hoping that the coping classes will give Janae the control back she needs to deal with her anxieties.

Camryn is loving preschool. She is one little social bug and comes home everyday talking about a new person she played with. She is such an affectionate child who is constantly telling me she loves me and kisses and hugs me throughout the day:) She's almost 4 in 4.5 weeks and she is looking forward to her birthday!! We'll see how she is when the baby is born as she doesn't seem that excited about it, but I am sure once he comes she'll come around at least I hope so:)!!

Pregnancy is going good, although I think I am done. My stomach is only getting bigger which means these stretch marks are getting longer and some new ones are coming. I have only gained 7 pounds so it seems rediculous that I would be getting new stretch marks, oh well this body was far from perfect before having kids and I guess it's staying that way, no more bikini's for me!!! I went back on decletin not so much for feeling sick but I find it helps me sleep:) I went for my hospital tour yesterday and I look forward to experiencing the new hospital as both girls were born at MSA.
We painted (my mom and me) the nursery last week and everything is ready to go except the bedding which my mom is sewing.
I have been terribly sick the past two weeks now with a horrible cold, cough, sinus infection, headaches and lack of sleep. I finally am starting to feel normal again so baby can come anytime:)

Christmas is around the corner and the house is decorated and Christmas shopping is DONE!!! The kids actually put up the tree with John and decorated it for me while I was shopping with my mom. Let's just say I redid it two days later cause I am really picky about my tree:)

Ok so there is a quick update on everyone, a bunch of rambling. Should really hire my sister to write my posts as she is such a gifted writer unlike me.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Pumpkin Patch #2

So today it was Camryn's turn to go to the pumpkin patch with her preschool class. John had already booked the day off to head out hunting but decided that he would go to Camryn's field trip first and than go, which Camryn was super excited about!! We all took Janae to school where she stayed till 1pm today and did a great job:)
We went to the Apple Barn which is on Gladwin Road here in Abbotsford. They had a lot of things for the kids to do. I think Camryn's favorite thing was the jumping pillow. It was very cold outside but thankfully no rain.
John left us at lunch to go hunting and will be back on Monday hopefully empty handed!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

So on Tuesday Janae's class went to Willowview farms to pick a pumpkin. John decided to take the day off so he could be a volunteer!! This made Janae super happy. Camryn and I met the class at the farm but Janae and Daddy went on the BUS!!! Did you know that taking a bus at the age of 5 or 3 is the most thrilling thing???
Anyways we woke up to rain and it didn't look promising. For the first part of the field trip it poured and then about half an hour in the clouds broke a part and the sun started to shine and it turned out to be a great morning.
Here are some pics from the day. I will post again after Camryn's field trip this Friday to the Apple Barn which John will be coming to as well!! His girls are sure lucky:)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Getting Somewhere

So it has been two really hard weeks in the Jefremow family. Janae has been having some anxiety issue with going to Kindergarten. It was pretty bad for a while where she wouldn't sleep well at night, wake up crying and then not eating. As a mom it was brutal to watch as I didn't know how to help her. Being pregnant doesn't help either with my emotions so these past two weeks were super hard on me and my body.
So after some serious prayer and thinking I decided last week that I would stay for Monday and Tuesday morning with her and help the teacher out. This was great for Janae. Than came Wednesday and I told her I had to bring Camryn to school and then would be back. Well with lots of tears and carrying her to the car(which almost killed me) I got her to school, dropped Camryn off and was back in Janae's class within 45minutes. But then an hour later she told me I could leave as they had recess and gym and she would be fine!!! YEAH. So thursday and Friday she went with her blanky to school, still said but went without a fight! I did visit her at recess Progress!!
Monday morning came and she was all worked up and worried again but got ready and went to school, I visited at recess which didn't work very well cause I was late and so she was balling her eyes out!! Monday evening she shared with me that she likes school and is excited about it but just has problems when we get there and she doesn't know why.
Tuesday I had a doctors appointment which fell right at recess so she was pretty upset about me not coming at recess but when I went to pick her up she said she had a friend a recess to play with so it was ok that I was not there!!YEAH.
Yesterday she went to school with NO TEARS and had an AWESOME DAY!! (When i say day I mean morning till lunch)
Today was another sad day but i know she will get over it and be fine:) We are still only doing half a day and I will continue to pick her up at lunch till I feel she has gained enough confidence in the half day as I really don't agree with the full day anyways!!!.
Ok so that is Janae:)
Camryn is doing awesome at preschool, making new friends. She has a friend from church there already but she keeps telling me how she doesn't want to play with her because she has to make new friends!! I think she has been listening to our constant talks with Janae and is a little confused:) But thankfully she loves preschool and she has been such an encouragement to Janae by sharing things like " Janae when I feel sad at preschool I just dream about Jesus and then I fell better" " today is going to be just like yesterday and you are going to be fine!!!" So cute.
Pregnancy wise I am doing good I guess, or should I say baby is doing fine. I got them to do an ultra sound in their office again to confirm that it really is a boy as I just bought all the "BOY" fabrics for the room;) And yes it is a BOY! I have lost a pound which doesn't surprise me after how stressed out I have been the past 2 weeks. Doctor said I am doing perfect for my weight gain as I was not suppose to gain any!!! Right now I am still under the weight I was pre pregnancy which is AWESOME!!!
The girls went this week to Kids Klub on a school Bus!! They were so excited. They go every Tuesday to a local church for their Awana Program with their cousin. This is something both girls look forward to. Each week they have to learn a verse and do a bible study at home which they love doing. So it is working great. Strange thing is that Janae has no problem leaving me for this just because her cousin who is the same age as her is there! Weirdo.

Ok so that is enough rambling and sorry if it sounds choppy and crazy that is how I write and talk!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Not so good day!

So today was super hard. This weekend Janae kept saying how much she hated kindergarten and didn't want to go. I know already on Thursday she was saying, " I don't like kindergarten but I will go because I know I have to." She wasn't showing any signs of being upset when I dropped her off and I heard nothing from her teacher so I thought all was good. Well this morning when I went to drop her off, the teacher opened the door and Janae came to me and had tears in her eyes. So I helped her to her classroom to get her indoor shoes on and hang her back pack. Still she was crying these sad sad tears. At this point I am in tears as well and can't speak cause I will start bawling if I open my mouth:) I walk her to circle, reassure her she will be ok and I tell her I will come and see her at lunch time and I leave. I leave bawling my eye's out in the car and Camryn saying" Mommy I think you are crying real tears!!" I get to Camryn's preschool where my girlfriend shows up and say " not a good morning" and look up at her to see that she too is bawling as her daughter didn't want to go to school either. So the two of us (Both pregnant) sat together laughing and crying like babies with our preschoolers looking at us weird!
At lunch time I went to Janae's school and waited at the playground. She came out with her grade 5 buddy crying. Her buddy Taleah told me that Janae had cried the whole time at recess too. Janae came into my arms crying and telling me how she has cried all day, her eyes looked so tired and she was a bit pale and complaining of a headache. After our 20 minute lunch break together she was all smiles and ready for the afternoon. When I came to pick her up she was beaming from ear to ear. She said she had a good afternoon but still doesn't want to go back tomorrow:( I am just hoping there are no tears tomorrow.
At home I talked to Janae more about school and she shared with me that she had cried last week at school as well but didn't want to tell me cause she was embarressed:( felt horrible that she wanted to be so brave for me:(
Tomorrow she is looking forward to starting Kiwanis at a local church so I think that will help her get through her day maybe tearless?? Ahhhhh, why did they switch kindergarten for full time. I am a strong believe that it is NOT in the child's best interest. This is purely done for the working mom and from talking to parents they are the ones who think it is so great, not because they think their child needs full kindergarten but because it frees them of finding child care and paying for it. I hope that by keeping Janae in kindergarten she will overcome her loneliness and find a good friend that she looks forwards to seeing at school and that this doesn't cause anxiety issues for her.
On the other hand Camryn did great and is loving school, helps that she has a good friend to go with:)
Pregnancy wise a couple of weeks ago I started to have some really bad pains in my pelvic area, which I went to the doctors to see about as it got to the point where I couldn't even lift my legs to pull my pants on with out sitting down. Doctor told me it would probably be there my entire pregnancy and to try and avoid things that bothered it. Well last night in the middle of the night I got up to use the washroom and when I climbed back in bed I did something and there was this crack/thud sound and shift in my hip and then all the pain dissappeared. And all day today it has been fine, so I guess it wasn't a muscle thing like the doctor kept saying but something out of place. Hoping it stays in place from now on:)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten!!

This week Janae went to preschool Monday and Tuesday from 1-2:30pm and did fantastic. No anxieties about it just excitement. So excited about this next step that she doesn't even say bye to me before she runs into her class:( Make me a little sad that she is adjusting so well but am also super glad she is as it would be so hard to leave her if I new she didn't want to be there!
Today is her first full day. She was beaming from ear to ear as she waited outside her classroom. Because of my latest pregnancy condition (pelvic stabilization pain) I can not walk Janae the 5 minutes to school because the hill literally kills me. So in order for me to get a parking spot near her classroom we leave a good 20 minutes early and hang around:) Janae came home all excited about her day. She's funny in that every day she has come home she talks about all the kids who weren't listening and how the teacher was getting so frustrated. Janae said, " these kids are unbelievable!!" Today she had a similar story where she said, " the teacher had a grumpy day, she had to ask some kids if she needed to yell at them or not cause they were not listening" Thankfully I don't have to worry that Janae is one of those kids, she is always so well behaved for others (not always for me). She said she did go through periods of the day where she wasn't sure she wanted to be there as it felt very long and she misses preschool but overall she was totally fine. I am sure once everyone gets in the swing of things the program will include more academics and structure which might help the day not feel so long. Janae isn't a huge free play kind of person she'd rather be told to do a work book or activity then to just play:) Anyways it's been a relief for me that she is so excited and is adjusting well, I hope it will continue.
My biggest fear was that Janae would have a hard time making friends as she tends to be shy and reserved among strangers but that isn't the case. Apparently today she had two girls wanting to play with her and Janae said, " I didn't want to have to chose so I just played by myself" How sweet is that:) Of course I gave her ideas for next time on how to figure that problem out:)

Camryn also had her first day of preschool and SHOOT I forgot to take a picture ( i will on friday) she was super excited to leave me and do this all by herself. It is very rare that Camryn gets to do things on her own as she usually has Janae with her so this was something new for her. I was a little concerned in summer that she was feeling anxious about preschool but I no longer worry as she is doing great!! I have never heard her talk so much in the car. I guess she finally didn't have to compete with Janae but also she finally had something to tell me that I didn't already know. She is already counting the sleeps till the next preschool days.
She is having a hard time understanding when she will be 4. We did a half birthday in summer so every day she asks if she is 4 yet. And because we always said "You will go to preschool when you are 4" she thought today she was 4. Oh well she'll figure it out once her birthday comes I guess!!

I am doing fine, I know I mentioned some uncomfortable pain I am having, doctor just says to be careful but it is something I will have the rest of the pregnancy!! Just praying it doesn't get worse:(

Monday, September 12, 2011

Wedding DAY!!!

This past weekend my niece Missy married the love of her life Tyler Morrison. They have been together for I think like 2 years?? The wedding took place up at Manning Park Resort. It ended up being a gorgeous day out, nice and HOT!! The ceremony was held at Lighting Lakes and it was just perfect. Missy is a huge animal and nature lover and this setting was just perfect for her. The water glistening in the sun, mountains all around and loons in the lake making their calling noise and an eagle soaring above, just perfect!!!
My girls were super excited for this day as they were the flower girls!! My mom sewed their dressed and made their halo's. Janae was excited about wearing her "High Heel's" for the wedding but realized after the ceremony that they really are not the comfy:) (always wanting to be so grown up!!) The girls did great. I ended up curling their hair and I think I did a pretty good job! John was busy at the wedding as well as he was the musician for the ceremony as well as the MC for the reception. He did a fantastic job at both:)
The whole day was just beautiful, we all enjoyed ourselves. The girls performed at the reception singing " You are My Sunshine" They had Missy in tears as well as some others.
Here are some pictures of the special day!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

24 weeks Pregnant Photo

This is me now!
This was me pregnant with Camryn. With Janae I was barely showing at 24 weeks!!

Here's me at 24 weeks and 4 days, I chopped my head off cause it wasn't a good hair day. I have also posted the picture of me at 24 weeks when I was pregnant to compare. I think my belly is about the same but man was I smaller everywhere else. I was showing Janae pictures of me when I was just pregnant with Camryn and she's like "you are so skinny like Aunti Sonja" Now I have never been that skinny, but she was right I was so thin. However at the time I thought i was huge. I have a long way to go once this baby arrives to get my body back!!!! :(

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It has been almost 2 years!!!

I don't know why I gave up blogging. I guess I felt that I am just not that great at writing. My sister has the gift of writing and has two blogs and people rant and rave about how well she writes. And then there is me, worst grammer, sentence structure and a bunch of babble all over the place!!
But today as I was reading other peoples blogs I thought I should start again for myself. To keep a journal of what is going on in our lives. There are some huge changes in our family and I think I want it documented, we'll see how long this lasts.

Ok so I am not going to go back two years so I will just start with the latest happenings in the Jefremow house to get you all up to speed!!

In April after a year and a half of trying we found out we were Pregnant with #3!! We were so excited that is finally happened. As far as the due date, that we weren't so thrilled about. We would be due December 25th!! For those of you who followed my blog in the past you will know that our 2nd child is a December 25th baby as well. We are hoping for a early baby but you just never know. I am 24 weeks at the moment and feel pretty tired, forgetful and miserable!! I have so much stomach and groin pain a simple walk kills me. I am pretty moody and have little to no patience with my girls. I am still taking decletin and still throw up randomly in the middle of the night. We have talked about a 4th but even I am not totally sold on that, I HATE being pregnant:) I have a feeling the next 4 months will feel like forever!!
Oh and I forgot to mention.... IT'S A BOY!!!! That in itself scares me, no idea what to do with boys!!

Yesterday Janae started KINDERGARTEN, can you believe it!!! It was only an hour long orientation time but the feeling I got there and same with Janae was that everything is going to be ok, she will adjust and like this new phase of her life!!! She goes for a 15minute one on one with her teacher and than next week does Monday/Tuesday afternoon and then Wednesday is full time already, 8:30-2:30pm!!! We'll see how these mornings go, hopefully not a lot of yelling:)
Janae is still a very independent, smart child. Probably to smart for her own good a lot of hte times. Most times we just laugh when she says things cause we just don't know what to do. It worries me what her teenage life is going to be like. We are both VERY much the SAME which will probably cause a lot problems in the future:)

Camryn went for her preschool orientation today. In summer we had a couple of weeks where I wasn't sure if Camryn was really ready for preschool as she was showing some signs of anxiety. But today she was super excited and was ready for us to leave! But we'll wait till next week for that:) Camryn has been very testy lately. She has discovered lying and they are not good lies. Things like telling us that water jumped out of the bath tub and got her wet, when really she peed her pants. Or saying she goes places with her aunts when I am sleeping. She also will lie about simple things I ask her. Gets pretty annoying at times thankfully she isn't good at it so we can usually tell right away. She isn't as easy going as she used to be. She likes staying at home which is hard cause Janae and I love to be out and about all the time. She sure is growing up and it makes me a little sad.

John is still busy working for Remple Brothers Concrete at the Langley plant. Last week a bunch of guys from his plant won 3.2 million! John was not part of the pool:( but it was still exciting to know the people that did win:)

This weekend is my nieces wedding. She is getting married up at Manning Park. The girls are the flower girls and John is playing guitar for the ceremony as well is the MC for the reception!! Looks like it will be a gorgeous weekend for a wedding.

Ok so there you have it a little update of what is happening. Will see how often I do posts but thought I would catch you up on the latest!