Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

So as halloween approached Janae noticed all the digusting scary displays and decorations at different stores. Most of them scared her and she would continue talking about them once we got home. I didn't know how to explain Halloweeen to her as I dont' believe in it and all the ghosts,witches and that crap. So when she would point out halloween stuff at stores I woudl say oh that is just silly halloween junk. Janae now tells everyone that halloween is junk. We were able to not connect the scary halloween stuff to the trick or treating or dressing up together. Halloween junk is all the scary stuff and everything else is fun fall stuff. We did do some trick or treating at our local mall which i was really turned off by. One it was way to busy and secondly we recieved over 10 pieces of peanut butter or peanut chocolates. Janae and john are allergic to peanuts and I was shocked that they would be handing out peanut stuff with all the allergies out there, so I complained but they said it was up to the manager of each store. LAME. We didn't last long there and then went to our church for our fall harvest festival. THere was lots of different games, candy apples, cotton candy ext. Janae had fun eating cotton candy, she cried all the way home cause she didn't get her face painted. But here's the thing we were in the line up to do that but she just gets shy and then doesn't want it and athen she was all excited about the cotton candy that she didnt' care. It's funny cuase Janae is a chatter box and she talks and talks and talks but you have to give her a good half an hour to warm up! Camryn was super tired all evening as she ahd a short nap this afternoon adn is fighting a cold. She wasn't too bad though so we were able to enjoy ourselves.
We got family photos of Johnm's family done last weekend and we got the back I will post the possible christmas card. Tommorow we are trying to get a family pic of just the four of us we'll seehow that goes. Trying to do the christmas card thing this year. WEll i should go off to bed, i will download the

pics first though. hope you all had a great night trick or treating!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

so dumb

So I decided i would try and pick one template and stick with it and so I tried again. This time i got a complete white page and you couldn't see anything, i clicked on here erased there and wala I got the original template i had switched to a couple of weeks ago with the proper back drop color. don't knwo what happened and where the info came from but that is why its different, i will not touch it again!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jack O' Lanterns and Family

So tonight i invited my sister Sonja and her family over (Dan, Brooke, Devyn and Marshall) and my mom and sister in law jackie as well as John and Hilary(john's sister) and their girl Nicole for a evening of pumpkin carving and dinner. I love to entertain and just don't do it enough. With kids it is kind of hard to do it as you never know what kind of day you will have so i don't like to plan things in advance in case it isn't a good day. But i did plan this event last night and was very excited about it. The girls woke up at 6am which kind of threw the day off a bit for me cause when Camryn wakes up before 7:30 she has to have a nap in the morning so that means we have to be at home all morning. Anyways i jsut took janae out ot do the grocery shopping and get last minute items for tonight. When I got back we all packed up and went to the brand new Abbotsford Recreational Center for it's kick off. There was free hotdogs, cotton candy, popcorn. sushi, sandwiches snacks and this massive cupcake cake! It was soooo crowded in there you really had a hard time moving especially with your stroller and people are seriously rude and inconciderate. Anyways after we had a look we came home for nap time and to prepare the house for the fam. Everyone arrived around 4 and we carved pumpkins. I made a very fancy dinner of farmer sausage on a bun and hotdogs!(I usaully do a bigger spread and little fancier then that but with the pumpkin carving at the dinner table it was too much to do that!) I also made a cake that I decorated to look like a pumpkin, silly me didnt take any pics but i know my sister did so i will have to steal that pic from her. The kids all played nicely together and the evening went by really fast with no problems and i think every one enjoyed themselves! So that was my very busy saturday. Tomorrow is another very busy day. we have the usually church in the morning adn then at 12 we are meeting for family pics. we are hoping camryn wont' want to go for a nap til 1?!! Sundays are the worst day for routines so you never know what time would be a good time. And then for dinner we are going ot my sister inlaws for my niece Nicoles 15th birthday party. So a lot again tomorrow. So there you have my weekend in a nut shell. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend as well.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Leaves, Leaves....and more leaves

Fall is definately here. The air is crisp and cold. No more running out the door without jackets on. THe leaves are falling and the ground is being covered with leaves. THe colors are vibrant and amazing. This past wednesday i went to my parents place for supper where i was able to take advantage of their yard and take some pics of Janae, it was too wet out to bring camryn so i didn't get any shots of her..oops!. My parents live in the bradner area on 5 acres. They built their dream home 10 years ago on this 5 acres of forrest. My dad works with big machinery and my mom loves landscaping and the two of them have created the most amazing park like back and front yard. The pics i took of janae were taken in the new project they have just completed. This is pond #3, each pond runs from one to the other and is surrounded by trees and pathways. You seriously get lost in there with all the trees and littel rest areas. It's so fun to see each new project that they come up with.> They also just added a split wood fence aroudn the perimeter of the house. The grandkids love going over to play at Grandpa's and nana's. One of the ponds actually has trout in it for fishing! so there is never a dull moment outside. Here are some pics of our day.
On another note, camryn got two new teeth this past week, which makes a total of 6. She has had diarreah now for almost two weeks and am thinking it all has to do with thoes teeth. And now since they have broken throguh she has been sleeping through the night again!! HOORRAY!!! She still refuses to take a step alone. we try but she immediately goes to the ground, little chicken! She barks, if you ask her what does a puppy say she barks it is so cute. Camryn is 10 months on the 25 and i am already planning her party as it falls right on christmas day i have to be on top of things as december can get pretty busy.
Janae is such a smarty pants that kid i tell you. I should relaly satrt teaching her more stuff c ause she would pick it up pretty fast. Her new thing is to tell everyone her name is Janae Jefremow and she lives in Canada! Ithink we have told her that info once. She has a brain like a sponge just absorbs everything.

Monday, October 13, 2008

oh dear

something happened when i put on a new template, everything dissappeared!! I mean everything as you can see, giv eme some time to set it up again!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

oh crap!

Ok so i totally messed up my page now! I have no freaking clue what i did to erase the entire wall, but i have the nice backround now! So i need you all to make a comment on here so i can have your blog address yet again, i guess i will start all over. good thing most of my post didn't include to much thought and time or really important info!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day Trip With NANA!

So we did the annual pumpkin patch outting for the year!! This year I took my mom along as one of her 50 outtings for the year for her 50th birthday she celebrated this year. We left John and Camryn at home cause we just felt that it just wouldn't work with Camryn, she is at the awkward stage of not being able to walk but not wanting ot be held or sit in a stroller, plus she is totally spooked of animals and it was a little chilly. So just Janae and I went with my mom. We had a great morning of playing on the slides, hayride, petting zoo and popcorn oh and the pumpkin patch of course. We also picked up some apples, which i made into apple sauce today as well! It was such a gorgeous day for it!>
This evening we headed over to my sister inlaws for turkey dinner. It was a great meal and a great time. My niece and her cousin took both our girls downstairs to play so john and i acutally got to sit back and relax which was wonderful!!
Anyways thought i would post some pictures of the day as well and ask yet again for help with my blog. I changed the backround by the orange behind my writing stayed, how do i change that color?
Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving, i know i have so much to be thankful for!

Here's Janae at 2.5 years old measuring at 3ft,3inches (3inches taller then she was at 2!!!)


Ok so I downloaded this new backround but it didn't change the color behind my writing which was from my previous backround, please help me!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The New ME!!! What do you think?

Well John came home yesterday afternoon. It seriously felt like he has been gone for a month with his florida trip and hunting trip just about back to back. With him being gone so much lately camryn has totally become a mommys girl and it is annoying. I mean i do like the fact that she wants me but it is hard to get things done when i can't leave the room. I was so blessed this time when john went hunting both girls slept through the night each night and had great naps together. I can't remember the last time that i have slept through the night, probably before janae was born!! And when i say sleep i mean from 8-8:30!!! AWESOME!! We did a lot while john was gone ,i painted the bathroom twice cause i hated the first color i chose, it was too dark and i should have never listened to teh paint guy who told me to use semi gloss!! yikes. So now i painted it the same color as my laundry room whihc i love but not sure if i am liking it a whole lot in my bathroom so we'll see if this color stays!!
It is great that john has the rest of the week off til tuesday. Tomorrow we are heading to the pool as janae has been asking for a long time. Saturday we are heading to the pumpkin patch weather permitting with my mom as one of her 50 things! And then in the evenign heading to john's families place for thanksgiving dinner. Where i will be bringing my homemade cranberry sauce and coleslaw!! i know i got off easy!!
Janae and i baked pumpkin and apple sugar cookies today. I really dont' know why i try and bake with janae. She wants to help and i do let her cuase i don't mind messed but it just takes so long. It didn't start off good when she tried to mix the butter and sugar and first spoon she flung into the air and all over the place. She could tell i was annoyed and right away says, "its ok, just accident, we clean it up!" how can you get mad. We have started a naughty mat for this child. Her listening and disrespect it terrible. I dont' know where she gets off thinking ity is ok to hit or kick me. and the screaming in my face or laughing in my face when i am talking to her sternly is out of control. WE had a very bad morning the other day and since the we have talked about her behaviro adn she knows what happens instantly if she is out of line. She was only on the mat once today and she was very upset. So hopefully this works cause it scares me to think that she is so physical towards me at such a young age.
Camryn is a little turkey, she repeated the word cracker to me today by saying,"crack" she also makes a dog barking sound when you ask her what does a puppy say. She is just full of smiles and makes you want to just eat her up!!
Ok so that is it, i surprised my self cuase i was just going ot post a pic of myself and now i have written a novel. Well at least i have give you something to read sonja while you pump in the middle of the night!

Quick question: Do you think it is ok to teach a two year old the proper terms for body parts. LIke penis and vagina?
JOhn doens't think so and i think it's great if they know the right terms. Janae knows that she has a vagina and daddy has a penis, for a while she thought he had peanuts but i think we have cleared that up. It was great the other day when she tried to climb out of camryns crib on her own and fell and in the process really bruised her vagina. She was able to tell me her vagina hurt which was great so i new where she hurt herself. She is such a smart cookie! Sometimes too smart for her own good!!hahaha

Ok let me know what you think!

So what do you think? Should i go shorter next time, grow it out?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Single Mom...again!

So here i am a single mom again for another five full days! John left two weeks ago and went to orlando Florida for a work conference while i stayed at home with the sick and non sleeping munchkins. We'll see how this week goes. John left this morning for his annual hunting trip with his family. I told him before he left there was no need to shoot bambi cause i refuse to cook or eat deer meat. So we shall see.
Camryn slept through the night basically last night, she went down at 8 and woke up at 8 she only woke up at 6am for a feeding!!! I hope that continues. I saw today that the second tooth on top has finally broken through so i hope this sleeping continues for a while before the next tooth tries to come through.
Janae is growing up way to fast.. This child talks and talks and talks, i have no idea where she gets that from!!! And it's about stuff that happened so long ago, it is crazy what they remember!
Well i don't really feel like sitting here any longer there is so much to do and i should be sleeping while the kids are napping, but oh well, hopefully i am not screwing myself for tonight!!

Here's a pic from John's hotel room in orlanda, he gets treated pretty well by remples,t hey stayed at the marriott hotel.

Here's a pic of me, not too often do i get pictures take of me but my sister got one of me at church. I have put together our 2 yearold program so am pretty busy sunday mornings. Next pic of me will be with my new hair do so stay tuned!!

Janae doing her craft at nursery!

Janae sharing a drink with Opa, this is called matte and is a paraguayan thing you won't ever catch me sharing this germ infested drink!!

My sister in law just celebrated her 40th birthday and so we had a girls lunch for her. I think janae ate over half the cake by herself, she couldn't even stop to smile for the picture!!

Oma (John's Mom) and Camryn (Camryn is 9 months)