Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Almost Over!

Well today seems to be the best day so far for camryn. She is no longer vomitting and seems to be getting her appetite better. She still has really bad diarreah but it is happening less often...thank goodness! She has also been sleeping alot which is kind of nice. Out of this whole thing the best part of her being sick was the amount of cuddling she did. she isn't much of a cuddler otherwise but this weekend while she was really sick she would lay on my chest and sleep and daddy wans't good enough it had to be mommy!
I am so happy that she is feeling better because i have a girls nigh tonight with my gunther girl cousins. THere is 7 of us all within 4 years of age, we've always gotten along and do the occasional get together. I believe we are good friends thanks to my grandma for making an effort when we were little to have us all over for sleep overs several times a year so that we could get together and be close. That was her dream and it has come true. most of us are married and half of us have kids but it's great to get together and get out of the house.
Well i need to get ready but i will leave you with the pictures i promised you yesterday!


Christy said...

Hey Christy....thanks so much for the comment. You're daughters are SO adorable! They are great aren't they? Love the blog....keep in touch.

Nathan and Melissa said...

Thanks for the info on Oral gel. Good to know how it affects different kids!
For naps - glad to hear that Camryn started doing two again...i'm waiting for Ali to do the same thing! As with the waking up - we haven't had to deal with that since she was 3 months old. She has been sleeping 10 - 12 hours since then and 12 since 4 months! I know when she was waking up, milk was the last resort. I gave her the soother and tried to help her fall back to sleep on her own! Don't know if you have read any books, but I loved "Baby Whisperer" and I highly recommend it! They talk in there about getting your kid to sleep through the night and they have great ideas!

Nathan and Melissa said...

Hey - its not really about "crying it out". It more focuses on helping kids to undo habits - in Camryn's case, waking up to eat at night. At her weight, she doesn't need it. So, this book trys to help you untrain her. It has other aspects as well, but I found it very helpful! There might even be a book by the same lady specifically on sleeping through the night, i don't remember