Wednesday, November 23, 2011

here we go

So I started off pretty good blogging every couple of days but I just haven't had the time or energy to blog lately. Plus I just don't know where to begin and lately with dealing with Janae I feel that maybe others don't want to hear me talk about it(or complain about it) so I haven't really felt like blogging either. But as November comes to an end thought I would give a little update on our family.

Janae is still having anxiety issue about school, however her anxiety only appears as I leave school and for a short period after I am gone. We are only doing half days(till lunch) eveyday and this seems to be working and helping her out. I have met with Jalene from Youth and Mental Health who has given me suggestions and has helped Janae's teacher as well. Janae and I will be attending Anxiety Classes in January that will give Janae(an me) coping skills to deal with the anxiety and hopefully by mid January we can attempt full days. There is a lot of details about anxiety and how it effects kids and stuff so if anyone ever wants to learn more about anxieties in kids or adults feel free to message me as I know lots on both as I too struggle with anxieties. Anyways right now Jalene and Janae's teacher feel half days are best for her especially with baby coming and Christmas.
We have seen the anxieties move to other areas of Janae's life. She no longer can go to Sunday School or Kids Club. She really wants to be there but just can't go. It's hard because I know she wants to be there but when her anxiety is heightened she is unable to think resonably or think clearly so it's a battle and often I feel like I am a failure at being a mom cause I don't know what to do and then also worrying about what other people think. I know some of you will read this and think I should just drop her off and she'll get over it but I have come to a point where I just don't want to hear peoples opinions on it anymore(maybe that is why I don't want to share about it on here) I am working with professionals now and so I just have to stand my ground and do what we feel is best for my child:) I pray that one day she'll just snap and the anxieties will be gone, but I think it is wishful thinking. I am hoping that the coping classes will give Janae the control back she needs to deal with her anxieties.

Camryn is loving preschool. She is one little social bug and comes home everyday talking about a new person she played with. She is such an affectionate child who is constantly telling me she loves me and kisses and hugs me throughout the day:) She's almost 4 in 4.5 weeks and she is looking forward to her birthday!! We'll see how she is when the baby is born as she doesn't seem that excited about it, but I am sure once he comes she'll come around at least I hope so:)!!

Pregnancy is going good, although I think I am done. My stomach is only getting bigger which means these stretch marks are getting longer and some new ones are coming. I have only gained 7 pounds so it seems rediculous that I would be getting new stretch marks, oh well this body was far from perfect before having kids and I guess it's staying that way, no more bikini's for me!!! I went back on decletin not so much for feeling sick but I find it helps me sleep:) I went for my hospital tour yesterday and I look forward to experiencing the new hospital as both girls were born at MSA.
We painted (my mom and me) the nursery last week and everything is ready to go except the bedding which my mom is sewing.
I have been terribly sick the past two weeks now with a horrible cold, cough, sinus infection, headaches and lack of sleep. I finally am starting to feel normal again so baby can come anytime:)

Christmas is around the corner and the house is decorated and Christmas shopping is DONE!!! The kids actually put up the tree with John and decorated it for me while I was shopping with my mom. Let's just say I redid it two days later cause I am really picky about my tree:)

Ok so there is a quick update on everyone, a bunch of rambling. Should really hire my sister to write my posts as she is such a gifted writer unlike me.


sonja said...

I am so happy that Janae is starting to adjust to the life of a Kindergartener. I am also happy that the 2 of you have some anxiety classes set up in the New Year. My heart breaks for Janae and for you as you both struggle through this period of time in your lives trying to figure it all out. Have faith!! It's all part of a bigger plan, and trust me, it is so hard to believe in the larger picture sometimes :) I will continue to pray for you guys, and of course, continue to be here for you whenever you need someone to talk to, or shoulder to cry on. I love you!!!

Rina said...

Janae's just gonna owe you guys big time when she has to take care of you in your old age. ;)

Sending calm-vibes and good luck with the classes in Jan, I hope they help!!