Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So it has been a while since i have blogged. I have thought about it and even opened my blog page but i really have nothing to talk about. Well things have been crazy around here with Janae's behavior lately but that was all resolved on sunday and i do not feel like reliving and telling the whole experience. let's just say i have control of my house again and my child is a sweet well mannered little girl! Hallelujah!!
Camryn just got her fourth bottom tooth which adds up to 8 teeth in total. We tried switching her over to homo milk but did it kind of quick and so after spending one whole night in emergency with a child with a wicked stomach pain and constipated we were told to go back to formual and re introduce homo and do it more slowly, we never did that with Janae but i guess each child is different.
Today i had a great day. I went to physio after dropping my girls off at my sisters place who was still sleeping at 8:30am!! And went to physio to hopefully relieve the tension and pain and get rid of this everyday headache thing! oh and also putting my hip back in place(i have to do that every once and a while cause of a car accident several years ago) Anyways i went to the appointment where they realzied that my hip and my shoulder are like rock hard knots! Could have told you that! so after so pulling and stretching he suggested i do some acupuncture on m y shoulder. i said sure what ever you think can take this pain and headache away go for it. So he did! It didn't hurt at all but there was this dull ache and its still there. After the appointment i felt pretty tired and sore and had a headache and so whne i got to my sisters place Camryn was miserable so instead of hanging out there like i thought i would I took Camryn home to have a nap and left Janae there. I came home with tears in my eyes leaving Janae there!( i don't know why but i was sad that i had left her there, knowing full well that she would be totally taken care of and fine) I tried to nap but my shoulder was hurting to much so i had a bath and read for a bit and then got energy, once the tylenol and advil kicked in and cleaned my entire house without any children getting in my way or begging for my attention. And i also got to re do my nails! camryn woke up at 12:30pm and then i ran to walkmart quick and then went to sonja's house and hung otu there for a couple of hours. Janae had such a great time, she painted, played, got her hair curled like Kalli!! She was just so excited. This is awesome cause she was there for six hours and played great the whole tiem even when i came. Janae tends to be a different child when i am around, well at least she used to be! I look forward to more days where i can drop at least one off and my sister can do the same. W ho ever dreamed of being able to clean your house without the kids. THanks again sis I love you so much!! You are the best aunti ever.


meandthreeboys said...

I'm glad you got a break and that Janae's getting better. Alan took Liam out on Friday night because I was done. I was so relaxed and enjoyed the quiet. Liam needed the break from me, too.
I fixed up Liam's room so that he can play in there by himself without having to worry about him getting into a lot of trouble. He's figured out that he can empty the dresser, but at least I can clean up the kitchen without stepping on him now!

sonja said...

oh wow... i don't know about that, but thanks. we had a great time!

you never told me you cried! this isn't the first time you've had Janae here... you're going to be one of those embarrassing mom's who bawl when they drop their kids off at kindergarden aren't you? ;)

christy said...

maybe?!!! you couldn't tell in my voice. i was trying to hold back the tears when i talked to janae on the phone explaining to her that i was going to have a nap and then come and get her. PMS+lack of sleep+headache = crying!! but i am sure i will have a hard time leaving janae and camryn