Saturday, February 16, 2008

one boring saturday

THis is how janae spends most of her day.

Well its saturday and it sure is a boring day!! i slept in which seems to have been a mistake, i am more tired today then i am any other day and also pretty cranky!! The sun is starting to shine and it makes me want to go out for a walk, oh wait i dont' have a stroller that fits both girls in. we are waiting for toy r us to have a sale on their quattro double stroller which they say will be in march> it is 300 dollars and if we go to the states its 230 so we have talked about going down tot he states to purchase it, but ya. i thought about going down today but i think we'll have to wait cause Janae is still not feeling good. She is eating more but has diarreah right after so nothing is really staying in her system. she still has her bladder infection . We arn't sure now if she has the flu as well or if the symtoms are from teh medicine for the bladder infection or if she has the flu too. so anyways we had to cut the dosage of medicine in half and so far she has stopped throwing up but we still have diarreah adn she just isnt herself. she has lost so much weight already. AThis has been on going for the past two weeks with her not wanitng to eat so it;s noticeable taht she is thinner! i just hope we camryn doenst get it if it is the flu.
Anyways so ya this is my saturday, sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing but being lazy. eventuallly i plan to head out to walmart to buy some diapers and food so ya.

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