Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saying Goodbye

On Friday we celebrated the life of my Taunte Annalee, it was a pretty sad funeral as she was still so young. She was diagnosed with liver cancer this past june and past away last week march 26. She leaves behind three children with their husbands and 7 grandchildren who are still really young. I wasn't super close to my Taunte Annalee but I was with one of her kids and his wife. This family lost their dad 10 years ago as well so both parents are deceased. This is the bulletin from the funeral and I wanted to share the poem that was on the back of it.

When family ties are broken
And loved ones have to part
It leaves a wound that never heals
And an ever-aching heart.

We can not bring the old days back
When we were all together
But loving thoughts and memories
Will live with us forever.

There will always be a heartache
And often silent tears
But always precious moments
Of days when you were here.

We hold you close within our hearts
And there you will remain
To walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet again

The entire funeral Annalee planned before her passing as she was a very maticulous and organized lady. She planned everything even her coffin that would look the best with her color! The service was beatiful and the reception to follow was nice to hear all her friends share their special memories of Annalee. Somehow throughout the service i kept putting myself in the families shoes and realizing that we don't know the plans of the Lord and for all we know he could take us away today. Time to smarten up with my walk with God so when that day comes i am ready to face my creator.


Rina said...

I really wish I could have been there. Baby Bear was just not cooperating and I didn't want to disrupt the service with a cranky baby so I thought it best to stay at home.

I still remember seeing Tante Annalee in the radiology department at the hospital when we were there with Baby Bear - we stopped and chatted for about half an hour and I hadn't thought anything of the fact that she was there - she was older so I guess I just thought it was a routine exam. This was before she had told anyone that her cancer had it was sad for me to remember that we had seen there there, obviously having tests done to do with the cancer, and no one knew about it. :( She was so kind and generous, just as Uncle Jake least they are together again, in a much better place, with no pain or illness.

christy said...

ya totally. You could have totally come Emmanuel has a really nice mom;s room which is where i was the whole time so that would have worked for the service. It was a really sad funeral. James and sandi's little girl sang and it was soo cute. She is adorable herself!

Yvonne said...

That is such a beautiful, well-written poem. Sorry that you have to go through something so sad but I'm glad it was a good service and reception. Praying for you and your family.