Sunday, December 7, 2008

December News and a proper blog!

The first week of December i decided to make a batch of gingerbread cookies. This was a huge risk because both girls were awake and Janae would want to help and be in there like a dirty shirt and Camryn would want me to hold her and whine the entire time. But thankfully Camryn sat in her highchair the entire time eating and playing with toys while Janae and i together made cookies. You will be happy to know that I made janae put clothes on before she started helping me. I was getting camryn ready and Janae stood on a chair in the kitchen telling me she was ready to help and there she was BUTT naked!! ya i highly doubt anyone would want to eat any of the cookies after i posted a picture!!haha. Anyways I really enjoyed my time with Janae. I do a lot of baking with her and sometimes i find myself yelling at her the whole time for the fact that i dont want a huge mess to clean up cause i only have 15 minutes! but this time i didn't care and it was such a wonderful time, makes me excited to do sugar cookies with her this week sometime.

On Friday John's mom invited us over for dinner and also to come and make a beautiful gingerbread house which made it on my kitchen table (how lovely!) My sister in law Hilary and my two nieces Missy (19years old) and Nicole (15 years old) came over as well to help with the decorating. This is the first year doing altogether. It was a little boring as they just followed the gingerbread house off the box, no creativity was needed here! haha. Janae had a blast helping decorate and also eating the candy. She did pretty good with not eating to much. Camryn sat and ate crackers and watched after I gave her a package of gummy candies to suck on which she was able to bite through adn slobber over all the candies(oops!, we didnt' need hedges anyways!) we had a great time doing it I just wish it could have stayed at Oma's cause i really don't like the tackiness of gingerbread houses! It is not my style!

Today we skipped church as John's work puts on a kids' Christmas Banquet for all kids under the age of 12. They have crafts (bead bracelets, gingerbread cookie decorating and pipe cleaner crafts), a magician, full christmas dinner including hotdogs and of course SANTA and PRESENTS for each kid. Janae had a blast makeing her pretty bracelet while i made one for Camryn, think i will be buying some beads for Janae for Christmas for me and her to do while Camryn is sleeping. My only concern is if we drop some on the floor and don't pick them all up it is a pretty bad choking hazard! so i have to think about it a little more. Both girls sat with Santa wiht out tears. Camryn needed a diaper change as she was wet and was also wanting a bottle so she wasn't very photogenic but Janae climbed up on Santa witha big smile on her face and recieved her gift! Camryn got this ball giraffe thing which in my opion is junk and will be going to mcc,( I will keep the balls that came with it for my ball popper thing as the balls work in there and we have miss placed some but the stand is rediculous so ya it has to go!) Janae recieved a wonder pets talking and moving stuff animal. Personally and i think most mom's can agree with me that show is horrible, not sure how educational it is but i can not stand that stupid song they sing and it never ends! so this is such a wonderful toy to have in our house, we'll see how long they play with it, just might end up at mcc as well! Usually they get really great gifts from John's work and some of the kids got really cool ones but we didn't luck out this year, whatever. We are still thankful. Well not for the goody bags that contained peanuts. Jeepers people with kids allergies these days i really don't understand why they even risk it, seeings so many companies have gone peanut free it is pretty hard to find candy without peanuts! so theos bags got chucked.

Today we cleaned the house and John finally put up all the fixtures in the bathroom. The other ones had "accidently" been pulled out of the wall which is why i had to putty holes and then decided to repaint the bathroom which by the way will be repainted soon again, just can't stand the hospital green color! So i finally have my towel racks back and can stop finding towels all over the floor in every room. So that was our great weekend and what has been happening this December so far.

Oh ya and i have been busy planning for Camryn's party. My side of the family will be celebrating on Christmas day seeings we will be there anyways. John's family we will be doing in Jannuary as his sister and familya re going to hawaii over Christmas and then we are doing the friends party after new years day! So it is pretty busy, and for something Camryn won't even remember! but i have to have some pics cause i did it for Janae. plus this is agreat excuse to hang out with friends, we don't do that very often. Plus i LOVE to host parties and decorate, make a cake and party favors and go all out so ya it should be fun adn stressful altogther. I do however need ideas for gifts for Camryn. The only think i can think of is a ride on car and a foam chair as she really likes janae's rocking chair but she falls off it when she tries to climb on. Only problem is if I buy a chair for Camryn i have to for Janae too cause she WILL steal Camryn's all the time adn i really don't feel like having that fight with her all the time, i have many other conflicts with her i don't need another one!haha

Oh quick update on the girls. Camryn weighs 26.5lbs! she hasn't quite trippled her weight but she still could in two weeks!haha. She is NOT walking and really doesn't care to. Well she walks just not how normal people do, you tell her to walk she walks on her knees, it is quite hilarious to see, i should really video tape her doing it to remember that! Apparently it is really good for kids to learn to walk on their knees before walking to build strength! She is able to make dog noises and kitty meows when you ask her what noise they make. She does a lot of babbling and is eating well if it is off my plate. She still doens't eat sweet things but the doctor says that is great! She isn't really interested in her bottle so much anymore she has cut down alot and prefers to eat normal food. I hope she transistions from formula to milk easily.
Janae has a brain like a sponge, she continues to soak up and absorb so much information. She is just hilarious so many times. She has become the "stupid" police, meaning she watches everything we say, no more saying stupid around this house!! Just as well anyways. She tattles to daddy on me all the time even after i have said sorry. I am toying with the idea of cutting out her afternoon nap. She doesn't always sleep that great at night but i really enjoy my two hours in the afternoon by myself seeings i usaually have a nap cause i have been up with camryn (nope she doenst' always sleep through the night!) so ya not sure what i will do yet.
So there you have it folks, i acutally had something to talk about that you might be interested in and enjoy reading.


Vanessa said...

love the gingerbread houses!! looks like fun!! and fun with santa!

sonja said...

it's nice to see some pictures! we talk often, but i actually found out things that i didn't know!

Yvonne said...

Those are some great pictures of the girls. Love the one of Camryn in her purple pajamas:)
Ahh yes, a helper in the kitchen makes everything twice as long but twice as fun too:) Glad it was a good time for you and Janae. I want to bake rice krispie squares with Kyra when she wakes up - we'll see how that goes!:)