Thursday, December 25, 2008

My baby is 1 today!!

Proud daddy holding Camryn Marissa
Janae meeting Camryn for the first time Christmas morning!

She is finally here!

one week old

one week old, she never looked like a new born, she came out so huge that she looked more like three months old fromot eh start!

Sister love. I hope and pray that my girls will be as close as me and my sister are.

Cutie Patootie!!

No longer my baby, Camryn is 1 today!!


Last year at this time i was still in labor, it wasn't until 9:10am that camryn came into this world. It is amazing how time flies when you have children. This year has just flown by for us. Camryn was a special Christmas gift to us last year and no Christmas will ever be as wonderful as the one Camryn was born. She is a wonderful baby, content and a great sleeper, we couldn't have asked for a more easy going and smiley child then Camryn. I said to John well Camryn is one time to try for number 3!! yeah right!!!

Last year was special cause Camryn was born and this year Christmas is special cause it is Camryn's first birthday and if you look out the window the amount of snow out there is unbelievable. We don't have white Christmas's out here in abbotsford very often so it is pretty special.

I am going to post some picture of Camryn throughout this year.

Camryn was born weighing 10lbs 12 oz and now weighs at the age of 1 26.5lbs.

We love you so much and are so glad that you have come into our lives. We look forward to watching you grow, speak and run around this coming year and are so glad that God gave us you to guide you and love you. Happy Birthday Sweety!


Vanessa said...

Happy birthday Camryn!

Yvonne said...

Happy Birthday Camryn! Those are some beautiful pictures of her Christy. Time does fly when you have kids. Hopefully your girls do grow up to be really close - there's no one like a sister!