Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It has been almost 2 years!!!

I don't know why I gave up blogging. I guess I felt that I am just not that great at writing. My sister has the gift of writing and has two blogs and people rant and rave about how well she writes. And then there is me, worst grammer, sentence structure and a bunch of babble all over the place!!
But today as I was reading other peoples blogs I thought I should start again for myself. To keep a journal of what is going on in our lives. There are some huge changes in our family and I think I want it documented, we'll see how long this lasts.

Ok so I am not going to go back two years so I will just start with the latest happenings in the Jefremow house to get you all up to speed!!

In April after a year and a half of trying we found out we were Pregnant with #3!! We were so excited that is finally happened. As far as the due date, that we weren't so thrilled about. We would be due December 25th!! For those of you who followed my blog in the past you will know that our 2nd child is a December 25th baby as well. We are hoping for a early baby but you just never know. I am 24 weeks at the moment and feel pretty tired, forgetful and miserable!! I have so much stomach and groin pain a simple walk kills me. I am pretty moody and have little to no patience with my girls. I am still taking decletin and still throw up randomly in the middle of the night. We have talked about a 4th but even I am not totally sold on that, I HATE being pregnant:) I have a feeling the next 4 months will feel like forever!!
Oh and I forgot to mention.... IT'S A BOY!!!! That in itself scares me, no idea what to do with boys!!

Yesterday Janae started KINDERGARTEN, can you believe it!!! It was only an hour long orientation time but the feeling I got there and same with Janae was that everything is going to be ok, she will adjust and like this new phase of her life!!! She goes for a 15minute one on one with her teacher and than next week does Monday/Tuesday afternoon and then Wednesday is full time already, 8:30-2:30pm!!! We'll see how these mornings go, hopefully not a lot of yelling:)
Janae is still a very independent, smart child. Probably to smart for her own good a lot of hte times. Most times we just laugh when she says things cause we just don't know what to do. It worries me what her teenage life is going to be like. We are both VERY much the SAME which will probably cause a lot problems in the future:)

Camryn went for her preschool orientation today. In summer we had a couple of weeks where I wasn't sure if Camryn was really ready for preschool as she was showing some signs of anxiety. But today she was super excited and was ready for us to leave! But we'll wait till next week for that:) Camryn has been very testy lately. She has discovered lying and they are not good lies. Things like telling us that water jumped out of the bath tub and got her wet, when really she peed her pants. Or saying she goes places with her aunts when I am sleeping. She also will lie about simple things I ask her. Gets pretty annoying at times thankfully she isn't good at it so we can usually tell right away. She isn't as easy going as she used to be. She likes staying at home which is hard cause Janae and I love to be out and about all the time. She sure is growing up and it makes me a little sad.

John is still busy working for Remple Brothers Concrete at the Langley plant. Last week a bunch of guys from his plant won 3.2 million! John was not part of the pool:( but it was still exciting to know the people that did win:)

This weekend is my nieces wedding. She is getting married up at Manning Park. The girls are the flower girls and John is playing guitar for the ceremony as well is the MC for the reception!! Looks like it will be a gorgeous weekend for a wedding.

Ok so there you have it a little update of what is happening. Will see how often I do posts but thought I would catch you up on the latest!


Yvonne said...

Yay! I'm glad you're blogging again! I'm super excited you're having a boy and don't worry, you'll figure out what to do with him soon enough:) Welcome back to blogging land!

Dolly said...

I'm glad you're blogging again too! :)