Friday, October 24, 2008

Leaves, Leaves....and more leaves

Fall is definately here. The air is crisp and cold. No more running out the door without jackets on. THe leaves are falling and the ground is being covered with leaves. THe colors are vibrant and amazing. This past wednesday i went to my parents place for supper where i was able to take advantage of their yard and take some pics of Janae, it was too wet out to bring camryn so i didn't get any shots of her..oops!. My parents live in the bradner area on 5 acres. They built their dream home 10 years ago on this 5 acres of forrest. My dad works with big machinery and my mom loves landscaping and the two of them have created the most amazing park like back and front yard. The pics i took of janae were taken in the new project they have just completed. This is pond #3, each pond runs from one to the other and is surrounded by trees and pathways. You seriously get lost in there with all the trees and littel rest areas. It's so fun to see each new project that they come up with.> They also just added a split wood fence aroudn the perimeter of the house. The grandkids love going over to play at Grandpa's and nana's. One of the ponds actually has trout in it for fishing! so there is never a dull moment outside. Here are some pics of our day.
On another note, camryn got two new teeth this past week, which makes a total of 6. She has had diarreah now for almost two weeks and am thinking it all has to do with thoes teeth. And now since they have broken throguh she has been sleeping through the night again!! HOORRAY!!! She still refuses to take a step alone. we try but she immediately goes to the ground, little chicken! She barks, if you ask her what does a puppy say she barks it is so cute. Camryn is 10 months on the 25 and i am already planning her party as it falls right on christmas day i have to be on top of things as december can get pretty busy.
Janae is such a smarty pants that kid i tell you. I should relaly satrt teaching her more stuff c ause she would pick it up pretty fast. Her new thing is to tell everyone her name is Janae Jefremow and she lives in Canada! Ithink we have told her that info once. She has a brain like a sponge just absorbs everything.


sonja said...

ok, Janae looks 10 years old in some of these pictures... crazy.

annette said...

totally looks like a park back therre- you could get lost! great leafy fall pictures

Yvonne said...

Those are such wonderful pictures Christy. What a great backyard for your kids to play in!